15.1 Manually Migrating the Monitor Agent to Linux

  1. On the Linux server, become root in a terminal window.

  2. Ensure that the web server where the Monitor Application is installed is up and running.

  3. Provide access to a domain folder and its associated domain database (wpdomain.db).

    If the domain folder is located on another Linux server, use your mount command of choice. If the domain folder is located on a NetWare or Windows server, see Making a NetWare or Windows Server Visible from Linux for suggested mount commands.

  4. (Conditional) If your Linux environment includes the X Window System, run the GUI GroupWise Installation program to install the Linux WebAccess Agent software, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

  5. (Conditional) If the X Window System is not available, run the text-based GroupWise Installation program instead, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

    If you need to perform the installation from a remote location, you can use ssh to access the remote Linux server. Copy the GroupWise software image or software distribution directory to the server where you have migrated the domain, then run the text-based Installation program to install the Monitor Agent on the Linux server.

  6. Configure the Linux Monitor Agent, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

  7. Restart the web server, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

  8. Start the Linux Monitor Agent, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

  9. Ensure that the Linux Monitor Agent can communicate with the Monitor Application by viewing the following URL:


    If the Monitor console does not appear, review the preceding steps to verify that all steps have been followed. For additional assistance, see the following section of GroupWise Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems for your version of GroupWise:

  10. Stop the Linux Monitor Agent, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:

  11. Copy the Monitor Agent configuration file (monitor.xml) from its Windows location:

    • GroupWise 2012: c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\ Monitor

    • GroupWise 8: c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\Monitor

    to its location on Linux:

  12. Edit the monitor.xml file for its new location:

    1. Change the HOME_PATH setting to the full path to the domain folder that you made accessible in Step 3.

    2. Change the LOG_PATH setting to the typical location for Monitor Agent log files on Linux (/var/log/novell/groupwise/gwmon).

    3. Change the LOG_ACCOUNTING_PATH setting to the typical location for Monitor Agent accounting file on Linux (/var/log/novell/groupwise/gwmon/acct).

    4. Change the LOG_EDITOR setting to '' '' (an empty setting).

  13. Start the Linux Monitor Agent with its new configuration file.

  14. Ensure that the Linux Monitor Agent can still communicate with the Monitor Application by viewing the Monitor URL for the platform of your web server:

  15. Stop the old Windows Monitor Agent.

  16. (Optional) Uninstall the old Monitor Agent software to reclaim disk space on the NetWare or Windows server.

    See Section 9.0, What’s Next.