Setting Up WebAccess in a Cluster

You should already have reviewed Planning GroupWise in a Microsoft Cluster and filled out the WebAccess Clustering Worksheet. You are now ready to complete the following tasks to set up the WebAccess Agent in a clustering environment:

Setting Up the WebAccess Resource Group

  1. Create the WebAccess resource group and agent services resources (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 1), as planned in Planning the WebAccess Resource Group.

  2. To ensure successful short name resolution, add entries for the WebAccess Agent network name to support your preferred methods of short name resolution, as described in Configuring Short Name Resolution.

  3. Continue with Creating a Domain for the WebAccess Agent.

Creating a Domain for the WebAccess Agent

The WebAccess Agent domain will be a secondary domain. To create it, follow the instructions in Creating a New Secondary Domain in a Cluster, taking your information from the WebAccess Clustering Worksheet, rather than the System Clustering Worksheet, then return to this point.

Do not create any post offices in the WebAccess Agent domain.

Continue with Installing the MTA for the WebAccess Agent Domain.

Installing the MTA for the WebAccess Agent Domain

The MTA for the WebAccess Agent domain can be installed just like any other MTA in your clustered GroupWise system. Follow the instructions in Installing the Agent Software in a Cluster, then return to this point.

You do not need to edit the MTA startup file.

Continue with Installing the WebAccess Agent in a Cluster.

Installing the WebAccess Agent in a Cluster

After you have created a domain for the WebAccess Agent and installed the MTA for that domain, you are ready to install and configure the WebAccess Agent. The WebAccess Agent is the component of your WebAccess installation that accesses post offices and libraries to retrieve information for WebAccess client users.

  1. Map a drive to the shared disk of the WebAccess resource group (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 1).

  2. Map a drive to c:\ on the first node in the cluster where you will set up the WebAccess Agent as a Windows service (System Clustering Worksheet item 2).

  3. If you plan to install the WebAccess Agent software to the shared disk of the WebAccess resource group (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 5), create the drive:\grpwise\webacc directory on the WebAccess shared disk accessed in Step 1.


    If you plan to install the WebAccess Agent software to each node in the cluster, create the c:\grpwise\webacc directory on the drive accessed in Step 2.

  4. Start the WebAccess Installation program, following the steps provided in "Installing the WebAccess Agent" in "Installing GroupWise WebAccess" in the GroupWise 6.5 Installation Guide.

  5. Install the Windows WebAccess Agent, keeping in mind the following cluster-specific details:

    • On the Components page select only GroupWise WebAccess Agent.

      Do not install the WebAccess Application at this time.

    • Use items 2 through 12 on the GroupWise WebAccess Installation Worksheet that you filled out during Planning the WebAccess Installation to fill in the fields during the WebAccess Agent installation process.
    • On the Installation Path page, be sure to browse through the mapped drive to the installation directory you created in Step 3 above.
    • On the Gateway Directory page, be sure to browse to the domain directory through the drive you mapped in Step 1 above.
    • On the Execution Options page, be sure that Run WebAccess Agent as a Windows Service is selected.
    • On the Start Applications page, deselect Start the GroupWise WebAccess Agent.
  6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5, mapping a drive to each node in the cluster.

    Even if you installed the WebAccess Agent software to a shared disk, you need to repeat the installation process for each node so that the Internet Agent gets set up as a Windows service on each node.

  7. Make sure you have completed all the WebAccess Agent tasks described in "Setting Up GroupWise WebAccess on NetWare or Windows" in "Installing GroupWise WebAccess" in the GroupWise 6.5 Installation Guide, but do not start the WebAccess Agent at this time.

  8. Continue with Installing and Configuring the WebAccess Application in a Cluster.

Installing and Configuring the WebAccess Application in a Cluster

Recall that the WebAccess Agent is the component of your WebAccess installation that accesses post offices and libraries to retrieve information for WebAccess client users. The WebAccess Application provides the link between the WebAccess Agent and the WebAccess clients' Web browsers.

To install the WebAccess Application:

  1. Map a drive to the shared disk of the WebAccess resource group (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 1) where the WebAccess domain is located.

  2. Map a drive to the first Web server node where you want to install the WebAccess Application (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 7).

  3. If the Web server node where you are going to install the WebAccess Application is currently running any applications that rely on Java or on the Web server, migrate those applications to another node in the cluster. If any GroupWise agents are running on the node, migrate the agents.

  4. Stop the Web server.

  5. Start the WebAccess Installation program as you did when you installed the WebAccess Agent (Step 5). Keep in mind the following cluster-specific details:

    • On the Components page, select only GroupWise WebAccess Application.
    • Use items 13 through 19 on the GroupWise WebAccess Installation Worksheet that you filled out during Planning the WebAccess Installation to fill in the fields during the WebAccess Application installation process.
    • On the Gateway Directory page, be sure to browse to the WebAccess gateway directory (domain\wpgate\webac60a) through the drive you mapped in Step 1 above.
    • On the Web Server Information page be sure to browse to the Web server root directory through the drive you mapped in Step 2 above.
    • On the Start Applications page, deselect Restart Web Server.
  6. Make sure you have completed all the WebAccess Application tasks described in "Setting Up GroupWise WebAccess on NetWare or Windows" in "Installing GroupWise WebAccess" in the GroupWise 6.5 Installation Guide.

  7. Copy the directory\docs\com directory from the server where you just installed the WebAccess Application to the document root directory of the Web server (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 13).

  8. Restart the Web server.

  9. Offline and then online the Web server to reestablish its resource group IP address.

  10. Repeat Step 2 through Step 9 for each Web server node in the Web server resource group possible owners list (WebAccess Clustering Worksheet item 1).

  11. Continue with Testing Your Clustered WebAccess Installation.

Testing Your Clustered WebAccess Installation

Remember that the WebAccess resource group and the Web server resource group are separate resource groups that could fail over to different nodes at different times.

To thoroughly test your WebAccess installation:

  1. Make sure the initial combination of WebAccess resource group and Web server resource group is functioning properly.

  2. Migrate the WebAccess resource group to each node in its possible owners list, making sure it functions with the initial Web server node.

  3. Migrate the Web server to a different node, migrate the WebAccess resource group to each node in its possible owners list, then make sure each combination works.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for each Web server resource group.

  5. Continue with Managing WebAccess in a Cluster.