7.16 D9xx Errors

D901 Unexpected error

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Action: See Dxxx Unexpected error.

D902 Unexpected error

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Action: See Dxxx Unexpected error.

D904 Unexpected error

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Action: See Dxxx Unexpected error.

D90A Unexpected error

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Action: See Dxxx Unexpected error.

D90B Unexpected error

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Action: See Dxxx Unexpected error.

D912 Cannot process message file

Source: GroupWise engine; messaging services.
Explanation: The message file has been opened too many times. It has been moved to the problem directory.
Possible Cause: The POA might be attempting to process a damaged message file and is unable to move it to the problem directory.
Action: Check the priority subdirectories of the \wpcsout\ofs directory. Check the POA log file to determine the offending message file. See Using POA Log Files in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide. Delete the offending message file so that subsequent messages can be processed.