8.1 GroupWise Agent Installation (POA and MTA)

The Post Office Agent (POA) and the Message Transfer Agent (MTA) are always installed together. The agent installation directory differs depending on the platform where the agents are installed.

8.1.1 NetWare Installation Directory

  • NetWare agent installation directory
  • GroupWise 8 Agent Engine
  • Post Office Agent (POA) program
  • Message Transfer Agent (MTA) program
  • Boilerplate POA startup file
  • Boilerplate MTA startup file
  • POA startup file for a specific post office
  • MTA startup file for a specific domain
  • POA online help files
  • MTA online help files
  • POA language information files
  • MTA language information files
  • Agent load file
  • XIS NLM programs
  • GroupWise XIS NLM program
  • XIS agent configuration files
  • GroupWise Target Service Agent (GWTSA) program
  • GWTSA language information files
  • GWTSA load file
  • GroupWise Time Stamp program
  • GroupWise Database Copy program
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent Web console help files

NetWare agent installation directory

When you first install GroupWise Administration, the GroupWise agents are installed in platform-specific subdirectories in the agent directory in the software distribution directory. However, the agents cannot be run from this initial location. They must be installed on the servers where they will run.

On a NetWare server, the GroupWise agents are typically installed in the sys:\system directory. You can choose a different location during installation.

gwenn5.nlm file

The gwenn5.nlm file is the GroupWise 8 Agent Engine, a program that is shared by all GroupWise agents. It provides the following services to the agents:

  • Database management

  • File operations

  • Message handling

  • Thread management

  • Semaphores (file/record locking)

  • Date/time services

The first agent loaded on a server automatically loads the GroupWise Agent Engine.

gwpoa.nlm file

The gwpoa.nlm file is the Post Office Agent program. You load this NLM program to start the Post Office Agent. See Starting the NetWare GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

gwmta.nlm file

The gwmta.nlm is the Message Transfer Agent program. You load this NLM program to start the Message Transfer Agent. See Starting the NetWare GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

strtupxx.poa file

The POA startup file contains startup switches for the POA. Switch settings placed in the POA startup file override comparable options set for the POA in ConsoleOne. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

During installation, a customized version of the POA startup file, named post_office.poa, is created. This customized version has the /home startup switch automatically set to the post office directory the POA will service. See Using POA Startup Switches in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

strtupxx.mta file

The MTA startup file contains startup switches for the MTA. Switch settings placed in the MTA startup file override comparable options set for the MTA in ConsoleOne. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

During installation, a customized version of the MTA startup file, named domain.mta, is created. This customized version has the /home startup switch automatically set to the domain directory the MTA will service. See Using MTA Startup Switches in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

nlm_agentnxx.hlp files

Online help is available by pressing F1 at the agent console on the server where it runs. See Using the POA Server Console in Post Office Agent and Using the MTA Server Console in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide

The first five characters of the filename are the agent name. The digit n is a version number. The last two characters xx are a language code.

nlm_agentnxx.fil files

These files contain all language-specific information for the POA and the MTA. The first five characters of the filename are the agent name. The digit n is a version number. The last two characters xx are a language code.

grpwise.ncf file

The grpwise.ncf file is the NetWare configuration file that automatically loads the agents whenever the server is restarted. A typical grpwise.ncf file would look similar to the following:

load sys:\system\gwmta.nlm @corpdom.mta 
load sys:\system\gwpoa.nlm @acctpo.poa

For more information, see Starting the NetWare GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

x*5.nlm and gwxis12.nlm files

The x*5.nlm and gwxis12.nlm programs provide XIS capability for the GroupWise agents, so that you can create XML documents to monitor and change the agents as needed.

nlm_agent.xml files

The nlm_agent.xml files are specialized agent configuration files for use in the XIS environment.

gwtsa.nlm file

The gwtsa.nlm file is the GroupWise Target Service Agent (GWTSA), which provides reliable backups of a running GroupWise system by successfully backing up open files and locked files, rather than skipping them as some backup software does. For more information, see GroupWise Target Service Agent in Databases in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

gwtmstmp.nlm file

If you use the GroupWise Target Service Agent (GWTSA) of the GroupWise Target Server Agent for File Systems (TSAFSGW) to back up your GroupWise system, the time stamping is an automatic part of the backup process. However, if you choose not to use one of these TSAs, you must still make sure that user databases are time-stamped so that items are not prematurely purged. The gwtmstmp.nlm accomplishes this task. For more information, see GroupWise Time Stamp Utility in Databases in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

dbcopy.nlm file

The dbcopy.nlm file is the GroupWise Database Copy utility, which copies files from a live GroupWise post office or domain to a static location for backup. During the copy process, DBCopy prevents the files from being modified, using the same locking mechanism used by other GroupWise programs that access databases. This ensures that the backed-up versions are consistent with the originals even when large databases take a substantial amount of time to copy. For more information, see GroupWise Database Copy Utility in Databases in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

gwtsaxx.fil file

These files contain all language-specific information for the GWTSA. The last two characters, xx, are a language code.

gwtsa.ncf file

The gwtsa.ncf file is the NetWare configuration file that automatically loads the GWTSA whenever the server is restarted. A typical gwtsa.ncf file would look similar to the following:

load sys:\system\smdr 
load sys:\system\gwtsa /home-sys:\gwsystem\corpdom 

help directory

The help directory contains language-specific subdirectories for the help files available from the POA and MTA Web consoles. See Using the POA Web Console in Post Office Agent and Using the MTA Web Console in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

8.1.2 Linux Installation Directory

  • Linux agent installation directory
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent executables
  • Post Office Agent (POA) executable
  • Message Transfer Agent (MTA) executable
  • GroupWise High Availability service executable
  • POA XIS configuration file
  • MTA XIS configuration file
  • Boilerplate POA startup file
  • Boilerplate MTA startup file
  • GroupWise Generate CSR utility
  • GroupWise Time Stamp utility
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent library files
  • POA language information file
  • MTA language information file
  • POA shared library files
  • POA shared library files for the optional user interface
  • MTA-specific library files
  • MTA-specific library files for the optional user interface
  • GroupWise High Availability service library files
  • Supporting library files
  • Subdirectory for icon images
  • Subdirectory for agent shared files
  • POA startup file for a specific post office
  • MTA startup file for a specific domain
  • Subdirectory for agent console files
  • Subdirectory agent console help files
  • Subdirectory for agent Web console files
  • Subdirectory for agent Web console help files
  • Subdirectory for the GWCSRGEN utility files
  • Subdirectory for GWCSRGEN utility help files
  • Standard Linux location for application startup scripts
  • Startup script for the POA and MTA
  • Standard Linux location for runlevel-3 symbolic links
  • Symbolic link to the startup script for the POA and MTA
  • Standard Linux location for runlevel-5 symbolic links
  • Symbolic link to the startup script for the POA and MTA
  • Standard Linux location for application configuration files
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise configuration files
  • GroupWise High Availability service configuration file
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agents
  • Agent configuration file for running as a non-root user
  • Standard Linux location for application log files
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent log files
  • Post office-specific subdirectory for POA log files
  • POA log files
  • Domain-specific subdirectory for MTA log files
  • MTA log files

agents directory

On a Linux server, the agents are always installed in subdirectories of /opt/novell/groupwise/agents.

bin directory

The bin directory holds GroupWise executable files.

gwpoa file

The gwpoa file is the Post Office Agent executable. You run this executable file to start the Post Office Agent. See Starting the Linux Agents with a User Interface in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

gwmta file

The gwmta file is the Message Transfer Agent executable. You run this executable file to start the Message Transfer Agent. See Starting the Linux Agents with a User Interface in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

gwha file

The gwha file is the GroupWise High Availability service executable. If the POA or the MTA goes down for any reason, the High Availability service automatically restarts it. See Enabling the Groupwise High Availability Service for the Linux GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

*.xml files

The agent.xml files are specialized agent configuration files for use in the XIS environment.

strtupxx.poa file

The strtupxx.poa file is the boilerplate file from which a post office-specific post_office.poa file is created in the share directory. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

strtupxx.mta file

The strtupxx.mta file is the boilerplate file from which a domain-specific domain.poa file is created in the share directory. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

gwcsrgen file

The gwcsrgen file is the GroupWise Generate CSR utility. If you enable SSL for the agents, they need access to a server certificate and private key. You can use the GroupWise Generate CSR utility (GWCSRGEN) to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file and a Private Key file. For more information, see Server Certificates and SSL Encryption in Security Administration in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

gwtmstmp file

The gwtmstmp file is the GroupWise Time Stamp utility. If you deselect Allow Purge of Items Not Backed Up in ConsoleOne, user databases (userxxx.db) must be time-stamped every time a backup is performed so that items can be purged only after being backed up. You can use the GroupWise Time Stamp (GWTMSTMP) utility to ensure that GroupWise user databases include the dates when they were last backed up, restored, and retained. For more information, see GroupWise Time Stamp Utility in Databases in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

lib directory

The lib directory holds GroupWise library files.

*.fil files

These files contain all language-specific information for the POA and the MTA. The first five characters of the filename are the agent name. The last two characters xx are a language code.

*.so* files

These files are Linux library files that provide information to the GroupWise executables.

image directory

The image directory has subdirectories for agent icons for both color and monochrome displays.

share directory

The share directory holds agent startup files and files that are used by the agent consoles and Web consoles.


The POA startup file contains startup switches for the POA. Switch settings placed in the POA startup file override comparable options set for the POA in ConsoleOne.

During installation, a customized version of the strtupxx.poa file, named post_office.poa, is created in the share directory. This customized version has the --home startup switch automatically set to the post office directory the POA will service. See Using POA Startup Switches in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.


The MTA startup file contains startup switches for the MTA. Switch settings placed in the MTA startup file override comparable options set for the MTA in ConsoleOne.

During installation, a customized version of the strtupxx.mta file, named domain.mta, is created in the share directory. This customized version has the --home startup switch automatically set to the domain directory the MTA will service. See Using MTA Startup Switches in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

agtcon directory

The agtcon directory holds subdirectories and files used by the agent consoles, such as help files. See Using the POA Server Console in Post Office Agent and Using the MTA Server Console in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

webcon directory

The webcon directory holds subdirectories and files used by the agent Web consoles, such as help files. See Using the POA Web Console in Post Office Agent and Using the MTA Web Console in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

gwcsrgen directory

The gwcsrgen directory holds subdirectories and files used by the GroupWise Generate CSR (GWCSRGEN) utility, such as help files. See Generating a Certificate Signing Request in Security Administration in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

/etc/init.d directory

The /etc/init.d directory is the standard location for Linux startup scripts.

grpwise file

The grpwise script is created automatically during installation. You can use the script to start, restart, stop, and display status information about the POA and MTA. For more information about starting the agents, see Installing and Starting the Linux GroupWise Agents in Installing a Basic GroupWise System in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

rc3.d directory

The rc3.d directory holds symbolic links to scripts that you want your Linux server to run when it is booted to runlevel 3 (multi-user; boots to a text mode login prompt without the X Window System). The symbolic link to the grpwise script is Snngrpwise. It is created if you choose during installation to have the agents start automatically when the server boots. See Starting the Linux GroupWise Agents on System Startup in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

rc5.d directory

The rc5.d directory holds symbolic links to scripts that you want your Linux server to run when it is booted to runlevel 5 (multi-user; boots to the X Window System login dialog box). The symbolic link to the grpwise script is Snngrpwise. It is created if you choose during installation to have the agents start automatically when the server boots. See Starting the Linux GroupWise Agents on System Startup in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

/etc/opt/novell/groupwise directory

The /etc/opt directory is the standard location of application configuration files on Linux. Files that configure how the GroupWise agents interact with Linux are stored in the novell/groupwise subdirectory.

gwha.conf file

The gwha.conf file is the GroupWise High Availability service configuration file. It is created automatically during installation and provides the information necessary for the High Availability service to restart the GroupWise agents if they go down unexpectedly. See Enabling the Groupwise High Availability Service for the Linux GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

uid.conf file

The uid.conf file configures the GroupWise agents to run as a non-root user. See Running the Linux GroupWise Agents As a Non-root User in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

/var/log/novell/groupwise directory

The /var/log directory is the standard location for log files on Linux. All GroupWise agent log files are created in the novell/groupwise subdirectory.

post_office.poa directory

The post_office.poa directory is a post office-specific location for POA log files.

Within the post_office.poa directory, the POA creates log files (mmddpoa.nnn) to inform you of its processing and any problems it encounters. For more information about log files, see Using POA Log Files in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide guide.

The first two digits of the filename represent the month, the next two digits represent the day of the month, and the next three characters indicate what program created the log. The three-digit extension is a sequence number for multiple log files created on the same day. For example, 0518poa.002 is the second POA log file created on May 18.

domain.mta directory

The domain.mta directory is a domain-specific location for MTA log files.

Within the domain.mta directory, the MTA creates log files (mmddxxx.nnn) to inform you of its processing and any problems it encounters. For more information about log files, see Using MTA Log Files in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

The first two digits of the filename represent the month; the next two digits represent the day of the month; the next three characters indicate what program created the log. The three-digit extension is a sequence number for multiple log files created on the same day. For example, 0518mta.002 is the second MTA log file created on May 18.

8.1.3 Windows Installation Directory

  • Windows agent installation directory
  • GroupWise Agent Engine
  • Post Office Agent (POA) program
  • Message Transfer Agent (MTA) program
  • Boilerplate POA startup file
  • Boilerplate MTA startup file
  • Customized POA startup file
  • Customized MTA startup file
  • POA startup file for a specific post office
  • MTA startup file for a specific domain
  • POA online help file
  • MTA online help file
  • POA language information files
  • MTA language information files
  • Customized DLL program for SNMP
  • Customized DLL program for MIME
  • XIS DLL programs
  • GroupWise XIS DLL program
  • XIS agent configuration files
  • GroupWise Database Copy program
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent Web console help files

c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\Agents

When you first install GroupWise Administration, the GroupWise agents are initially installed in platform-specific subdirectories in the agent directory of the software distribution directory. However, the agents cannot be run from this initial location. They must be installed on the servers where they will run.

On a Windows server, the GroupWise agents can be installed in any directory you choose. The default is c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise\Agents. The agent icons are set up to include the full path to whatever directory you choose.

gwenv1a.dll file

The gwenv1a.dll file is the GroupWise Agent Engine, a program that is shared by both GroupWise agents. It provides the following services to the agents:

  • Database management

  • File operations

  • Message handling

  • Thread management

  • Semaphores (file/record locking)

  • Date/time services

The first agent started on a server automatically starts the GroupWise Agent Engine DLL.

gwpoa.exe file

The gwpoa.exe file is the Post Office Agent program. You run this executable file to start the Post Office Agent. See Starting the Windows GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

gwmta.exe file

The gwmta.exe file is the Message Transfer Agent program. You run this executable file to start the Message Transfer Agent. See Starting the Windows GroupWise Agents in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

gwsnmp.dll file

The gwsnmp.dll file provides interaction with the Windows SNMP Service, so that you can monitor the GroupWise agents using an SNMP monitoring program.

gwwww1.dll file

The gwwww1.dll file provides parsing of MIME messages received from the Internet.

strtupxx.poa file post_office.poa file

The POA startup file contains startup switches for the POA. Switch settings placed in the POA startup file override comparable options set for the POA in ConsoleOne. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

During installation, a customized version of the POA startup file, named post_office.poa, is created. This customized version has the /home startup switch automatically set to the post office directory the POA will service. See Using POA Startup Switches in Post Office Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

strtupxx.mta file domain.mta file

The MTA startup file contains startup switches for the MTA. Switch settings placed in the MTA startup file override comparable options set for the MTA in ConsoleOne. The xx in the startup filename represents a two-letter language code.

During installation, a customized version of the MTA startup file, named domain.MTA, is created. This customized version has the /home startup switch automatically set to the domain directory the MTA will service. See Using MTA Startup Switches in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

agentnxx.chm files

The .chm files contain the online documentation for the agents. Online Help is available by clicking Help in the agent consoles on the server where the agents are running. In addition, dialog boxes have a Help button for context-sensitive Help.

The first five characters of the filename are the agent name. The digit n is a version number. The last two characters xx are a language code.

agentnxx.dll files

The agentnxx.dll files contain all language-specific information for the agents. The digit n is a version number. The last two characters xx are a language code.

x*10a.dll and gwxis10.dll files

The x*10a.dll and gwxis10.dll programs provide XIS capability for the GroupWise agents, so that you can create XML documents to monitor and change the agents as needed.

agent.xml files

The agent.xml files are specialized agent configuration files for use in the XIS environment.

dbcopy.exe file

The dbcopy.exe file is the GroupWise Database Copy utility, which copies files from a live GroupWise post office or domain to a static location for backup. During the copy process, DBCopy prevents the files from being modified, using the same locking mechanism used by other GroupWise programs that access databases. This ensures that the backed-up versions are consistent with the originals even when large databases take a substantial amount of time to copy. For more information, see GroupWise Database Copy Utility in Databases in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

help directory

The help directory contains language-specific subdirectories for the help files available from the POA and MTA Web consoles. See Using the POA Web Console in Post Office Agent and Using the MTA Web Console in Message Transfer Agent in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.