8.4 Monitor Agent Installation

8.4.1 Linux Installation Directory

  • GroupWise installation directory
  • Linux agent installation directory
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent executables
  • Monitor Agent executable
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent library files
  • Supporting shared library files
  • Subdirectory for agent shared files
  • Monitor Agent configuration file
  • Standard Linux location for application startup scripts
  • Startup script for the Monitor Agent
  • Standard Linux location for run-level-3 symbolic links
  • Symbolic link to the startup script for the Monitor Agent
  • Standard Linux location for run-level-5 symbolic links
  • Symbolic link to the startup script for the Monitor Agent
  • Standard Linux location for application log files
  • Subdirectory for GroupWise agent log files
  • Subdirectory for Monitor Agent log files
  • Monitor Agent event log files
  • Monitor Agent history log files
  • Subdirectory for Monitor Agent accounting files

agents directory

On a Linux server, the Monitor Agent is always installed in subdirectories of /opt/novell/groupwise/agents.

bin directory

The bin directory holds GroupWise executable files.

gwmon file

The gwmon file is the Monitor Agent executable. You run this executable file to start the Monitor Agent. See Starting the Linux Monitor Agent as a Daemon in Installing GroupWise Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

lib directory

The lib directory holds GroupWise shared library files.

*.so files

These files are Linux shared library files that provide information to the Monitor Agent executable.

share directory

The share directory holds agent startup files and files that are used by the agent consoles and Web consoles.

monitor.xml file

The monitor.xml file is a specialized configuration file for use in the XIS environment.

/etc/init.d directory

The /etc/init.d directory is the standard location for Linux startup scripts.

grpwise-ma file

The grpwise-ma script is created automatically during installation. You can use the script to start, restart, stop, and display status information about the Monitor Agent. For more information about starting the Monitor Agent, see Starting the Linux Monitor Agent as a Daemon in Installing GroupWise Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.

rc3.d directory

The rc3.d directory holds symbolic links to scripts that you want your Linux server to run when it is booted to runlevel 3 (multi-user; boots to a text mode login prompt without the X Window System). The symbolic link to the grpwise-ma script is Snngrpwise-ma. It is created if you choose during installation to have the Monitor Agent start automatically when the server boots.

rc5.d directory

The rc5.d directory holds symbolic links to scripts that you want your Linux server to run when it is booted to runlevel 5 (multi-user; boots to the X Window System login dialog box). The symbolic link to the grpwise-ma script is Snngrpwise-ma. It is created if you choose during installation to have the Monitor Agent start automatically when the server boots.

/var/log/novell/groupwise directory

The /var/log directory is the standard location for log files on Linux. All GroupWise agent log files are created in the novell/groupwise subdirectory.

gwmon directory

Within the gwmon directory, the Monitor Agent creates two different types of log files. The mmddmon.nnn log files inform you of its processing and any problems it encounters. The mmddhist.nnn log files record dumps of all MIB values gathered during each poll cycle. For more information about log files, see Configuring Monitor Agent Log Settings in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

The first two digits of the filename represent the month; the next two digits represent the day of the month. The three-digit extension is a sequence number for multiple log files created on the same day. For example, 0518mon.002 is the second Monitor Agent log file created on May 18.

gwmon/acct directory

Within the gwmon directory, the Monitor Agent creates an acct subdirectory for storing accounting files received from the Internet Agent and GroupWise gateways. For more information, see Receiving the Accounting Files in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

8.4.2 Windows Installation Directory

  • Windows Monitor Agent installation directory
  • GroupWise Agent Engine
  • Monitor Agent program
  • Monitor Agent configuration file
  • Monitor Agent language information file
  • Customized DLL program for SNMP
  • XIS DLL programs
  • GroupWise XIS DLL program
  • Monitor Agent XIS configuration file
  • Monitor Agent working directory
  • Monitor Agent directory for accounting files

Additional Monitor files are integrated into your Web server to support the Monitor Web console. For an example, see Section 9.0, Web Application Installation Directories on Your Web Server.

c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\Monitor directory

On a Windows server, the Monitor Agent can be installed in any directory you choose. The default location is c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\Monitor. The Monitor Agent desktop icon is set up to include the full path to whatever directory you choose.

gwenv1a.dll file

The gwenv1a.dll file is the GroupWise Agent Engine, a program that is shared by all GroupWise agents. It provides the following services to the agents:

  • Database management

  • File operations

  • Message handling

  • Thread management

  • Semaphores (file/record locking)

  • Date/time services

The first agent started on a server automatically starts the GroupWise Agent Engine DLL.

gwmon.exe file

The gwmon.exe file is the Monitor Agent program. You run this executable file to start the Monitor Agent. See Windows: Setting Up GroupWise Monitor in Installing GroupWise Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Installation Guide.


The monitor.xml file stores the Monitor Agent configuration information that you establish in the Monitor Agent console, as described in Configuring the Monitor Agent in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

gwmonxx.dll files

The gwmonxx.dll files contain all language-specific information for the WebAccess Agent. The last two characters xx are a language code.

gwsnmp.dll file

The gwsnmp.dll file provides interaction with the Windows SNMP Service, so that the Monitor Agent can throw SNMP traps. See Configuring SNMP Trap Notification for Agent Problems in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.

x*10a.dll and gwxis10.dll files

The x*10a.dll and gwxis10.dll programs provide XIS capability for the GroupWise agents, so that you can create XML documents to monitor and change the agents as needed.

gwmon.xml file

The gwmon.xml file is a specialized agent configuration file for use in the XIS environment.

monwork directory

The monwork directory is used for temporary files used in calculating system performance, as described in Measuring Agent Performance in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide

acct directory

The acct directory is used for storing accounting files received from the Internet Agent and GroupWise gateways, as described in Receiving the Accounting Files in Monitor in the GroupWise 8 Administration Guide.