Tasks folders keep track of the progress made in completing work assignments. Kablink Vibe enables you to create Tasks folders in any workspace that you desire. You can maintain a personal Tasks folder in your personal workspace, and then add separate Tasks folders in your team workspaces to keep track of tasks that are specific to that team.
Section 7.10.1, Sorting Tasks in Your Tasks Folder by Task Characteristics
Section 7.10.4, Creating Tasks in a Specific Location in the Task List
Section 7.10.8, Synchronizing the Vibe Tasks Folders of Your Choice
Section 7.10.11, Viewing All Tasks That Are Assigned to a Specific Team, Group, or Individual User
Vibe enables you to sort the tasks in your task list by number, task name, priority, due date, status, assignee, and percent done. By default, the task list is sorted by the No. column. When you sort the task list by a different column, the No. column automatically becomes a secondary sort. For example, when you sort the task list by priority, tasks are sorted by priority first and by number second. Within each task group that is sorted by priority, tasks are sorted by number.
When you sort the task list as described in this section, tasks are displayed in a flat view (sub-tasks are no longer displayed as indented beneath the main task). To display sub-tasks as indented again, sort on the No. column in ascending order.
To sort tasks:
Navigate to the Tasks folder where you want to sort your tasks.
At the top of the task list, click the title of the column heading by which you want to sort the tasks.
Tasks in the Tasks folder are sorted according to the column title that you click. The No. column automatically becomes a secondary sort.
You can quickly locate a task by using the filter. This is helpful if the task list contains many task entries.
In the upper right corner of the task list, click inside the Search Name field, specify the title of a task entry that you are searching for, then press Enter.
You can modify individual tasks and sub-tasks directly from the task list. You can modify the priority, status, due date, and the percent done.
Click the down-arrow icon in the Priority, Status, Due Date, or Closed-% Done columns for the task that you want to modify.
Click the new priority, status, or percent done in the drop-down list.
If you are modifying the due date, make the modifications in the Due Date dialog box, then click OK.
In Vibe 3.1 and later, when you mark a task as Completed (in the Status column) or 100% (in the Closed-% Done column), the date and time when the task was marked Completed is displayed in the Closed-% Done column. Nothing is displayed in this column if the task was marked Completed or 100% in a version prior to 3.1.
You can modify other aspects of a task entry as described in Section 8.5.1, Modifying All Sections of an Entry.
When you create new task entries as described in Section 8.1, Creating a Folder Entry, the new task entry appears at the bottom of the task list. You can create a task entry at a specific location in the task list.
Click the No. column in the task list to ensure that tasks are sorted by number in ascending order.
You might need to click the No. column a second time if the column is sorted in descending order the first time you click it.
Sorting the task list by the No. column in ascending order displays a drop-down arrow to the right of each task in the task list.
Click the drop-down arrow next to the task where you want to create a sub-task, then click New Task Above or New Task Below, depending on where you want the task to be located in the task list.
Fill out the entry form, then click OK to finish creating the sub-task.
For more information about filling in the entry form, see Section 8.1.1, Filling In the Entry Form.
The task is created at the appropriate location in the task list.
Before you link tasks with other tasks, ensure that you understand how task linking works in Vibe.
A linked task is a task that is due a designated number of days after either the start date or the due date of the task that precedes it. Only sub-tasks can be linked. The first sub-task beneath a main task can be linked with the start date of the main task. Subsequent sub-tasks can be linked with the due date of the sub-task that precedes them in the task list.
For example, sub-task A begins when the main task begins, and the due date of sub-task A is the start date of the main task plus whatever the duration is for sub-task A. The due date of sub-task B is the due date of sub-task A plus the duration of sub-task B, and so forth.
To link a sub-task with either the main task or another sub-task, you must set the duration of the sub-task when you are creating or modifying the sub-task. You do this in the Duration field on the entry form. (For more information about setting the task duration, see Linking Sub-Tasks with Other Tasks.)
To link a sub-task with another task:
Create a sub-task.
Ensure that the position of the sub-task in the task list is directly beneath the main task or sub-task that you want it to be linked with.
For more information about how to create a sub-task and change its position in the task list, see Creating Sub-Tasks.
Modify the sub-task that you want to link with either the main task or sub-task by clicking the title of the sub-task, then clicking Modify.
The entry form is displayed.
In the Time Period section of the entry form, ensure that the Start fields and End fields are blank.
In the Duration field, specify the number of days before the sub-task is due.
For sub-tasks that are linked to the main task, this number begins after the start date of the main task. For sub-tasks that are linked with other sub-tasks, this number begins after the due date of the sub-task that precedes it in the task list.
Tasks appear in the order that they are created when tasks are sorted by number in ascending order in the task list. (For more information on the various ways that you can sort tasks, see Section 7.10.1, Sorting Tasks in Your Tasks Folder by Task Characteristics.)
You can change the order that tasks appear in the task list. When you change the order of a task, all sub-tasks that are associated with the main task are also moved. Sub-tasks cannot be moved outside of the main task in the task list unless you first make the sub-task a main task, as described in Making a Sub-Task a Main Task.
You can change the order of a single task, or multiple tasks simultaneously.
Click the No. column in the task list to ensure that tasks are sorted by number in ascending order.
You might need to click the No. column a second time if the column is sorted in descending order the first time you click it.
Sorting the task list by the No. column in ascending order activates the arrow icons that are located above the task list.
Select the task that you want to move up or down in the task list.
You can select multiple tasks for convenience.
Click the up-arrow and down-arrow icons to move the task up and down in the task list.
You can quickly move a task to any location within the task list.
Click the number of the task in the No. column.
Specify the number where you want the task to be moved to in the task list.
Press Enter.
Sub-tasks allow you to break down a larger task into smaller components. Multiple users can be assigned to multiple sub-tasks in order to accomplish a main task. When all sub-tasks are marked Complete, the main task is also marked Complete.
When you create a sub-task, ensure that you provide a meaningful name. This is necessary because sub-tasks are not always displayed in a hierarchical view in the task list. For more information, see Viewing Sub-Tasks.
To create a sub-task:
Click the No. column in the task list to ensure that tasks are sorted by number in ascending order.
You might need to click the No. column a second time if the column is sorted in descending order the first time you click it.
Sorting the task list by the No. column in ascending order displays a drop-down arrow to the right of each task in the task list.
Click the drop-down arrow next to the task where you want to create a sub-task, then click New Subtask.
Fill out the entry form, then click OK to finish creating the sub-task.
For more information about filling in the entry form, see Section 8.1.1, Filling In the Entry Form.
The sub-task is created beneath the task where you create it.
You can make any main task a sub-task to another task. Furthermore, you can make a task a sub-task to a sub-task (that is, sub-tasks can be nested).
Click the No. column in the task list to ensure that tasks are sorted by number in ascending order.
You might need to click the No. column a second time if the column is sorted in descending order the first time you click it.
Sorting the task list by the No. column in ascending order activates the arrow icons that are located above the task list.
Select the task that you want to make a sub-task.
Click the up-arrow or down-arrow icons to move the task directly beneath the task that you want to become the main task.
Click the right-arrow icon to make the task a sub-task to the task directly above it in the task list.
To make a sub-task a main task:
Click the No. column to ensure that the task list is sorted by number in ascending order.
You might need to click the No. column a second time if the column is sorted in descending order the first time you click it.
Sorting the task list by the No. column in ascending order activates the arrows that are located above the task list.
Select the sub-task that you want to make a main task, then click the left-arrow icon .
Sub-tasks display indented beneath the main task only when the task list is sorted by the No. column. If you click any other column heading, sub-tasks are displayed in line with main tasks.
To ensure that the task list is sorted by the No. column:
Click the No. column.
When you delete sub-tasks and tasks that contain sub-tasks, be aware of the following behaviors:
Undeleting a sub-task after it has been deleted causes the sub-task to be restored to the task list as a main task (it is no longer a sub-task).
For more information about undeleting entries, see Section 8.10, Recovering a Folder Entry from the Trash.
Deleting a main task that contains sub-tasks deletes only the main task. Any sub-tasks associated with the main task are retained in the task list and become main tasks (they are no longer sub-tasks).
Vibe enables you to synchronize the Vibe Tasks folders of your choice and display them in a single, summarized task list in the Accessory Panel. You can display tasks that are assigned to specific users, groups, or teams.
Navigate to the page where you want to display the task list.
Click the Accessory Panel drop-down list.
Click Add an Accessory.
In the Accessory Scope section, select where you want the accessory to be displayed.
Personal accessory for this page only: This accessory appears only to you and only on the currently displayed workspace or folder page.
Personal accessory for all workspaces and folders: This accessory appears only to you, but it appears on all workspace and folder pages that you view.
Community accessory for this page: This accessory appears only on this page, and it appears to everyone who views the current page. Only workspace and folder owners are allowed to establish community accessories.
In the Accessory Type section, select Task Summary.
Click OK.
The Accessory Setup page is displayed.
In the Title field, provide a title for the task list.
In the Display Style section, select whether you want the task list to have a border.
In the Number of Results to be Shown field, specify how many results you want to display at any one time in the task list.
In the Show Only the Tasks Assigned To section, specify the specific users, groups, or teams whose tasks you want to display.
In the Select the Task Folder(s) to be Shown section, navigate the workspace tree and select all of the Tasks folders that you want to be included in the task list.
Vibe takes the tasks from all of the Tasks folders that you select here, and displays them in a single, convenient task list in the Accessory Panel.
Click Apply > Close.
The Task Summary accessory is displayed in the Accessory Panel on the pages where you configured it to be shown in Step 4.
The View setting in the Tasks folder enables you to choose the kinds of tasks that you want to display in the task list.
Click the View drop-down in the upper right corner of the task list.
Click one of the following options for the tasks that you want to display in the task list:
All Entries: Displays all tasks.
Completed: Displays tasks that have the status of Closed.
Today: Displays tasks that have a due date of today.
Week: Displays tasks that have a due date sometime in the next seven days.
Month: Displays tasks that have a due date sometime in the next 30 days.
All Active: Displays tasks that are currently active.
The following options are available only in user workspaces:
Assigned Tasks: Displays all tasks assigned to the owner of the workspace, regardless of where the tasks are located in Vibe.
From Folder: Displays all tasks that are in the current folder.
For more information, see Viewing Your Tasks in a Full Interactive View.
Vibe enables you to display all of the tasks that are assigned to you, whether they are assigned personally to you, or assigned to a group or team of which you are a member.
Vibe enables you to view a full interactive view of all of your assigned tasks.
Navigate to a Tasks folder in your personal workspace.
Click the View drop-down list in the upper right corner of the task list, then click Assigned Tasks.
Vibe displays all tasks that are currently assigned to you.
For information about how to modify tasks from the task list by using the interactive view, see Section 7.10.3, Modifying Tasks in the Task List.
Navigate to the home page of your personal workspace.
Click the Tasks and Calendars tab.
The left section of the page displays all of the tasks that are assigned to you, whether they are assigned personally to you, or assigned to a group or team of which you are a member.
Select Due Anytime.
Vibe displays a summarized view of all tasks that are assigned to you.
Navigate to the home page of your personal workspace.
Click the Tasks and Calendars tab.
The left section of the page displays all of the tasks that are assigned to you, whether they are assigned personally to you or assigned to a group or team of which you are a member.
Select Due Within 2 Weeks.
Vibe displays a summarized view of all tasks that are due within the next two weeks and are assigned to you.
Vibe enables you to view all tasks located in the Vibe site that are assigned to a specific team, group, or individual user, and display them in a single, summarized task list in the Accessory Panel.
Navigate to the page where you want to display the task list.
Click the Accessory Panel drop-down list.
Click Add an Accessory.
In the Accessory Scope section, select where you want the accessory to be displayed.
Personal accessory for this page only: This accessory appears only to you and only on the currently displayed workspace or folder page.
Personal accessory for all workspaces and folders: This accessory appears only to you, but it appears on all workspace and folder pages that you view.
Community accessory for this page: This accessory appears only on this page, and it appears to everyone who views the current page. Only workspace and folder owners are allowed to establish community accessories.
In the Accessory Type section, select Task Summary.
Click OK.
The Accessory Setup page is displayed.
In the Title field, provide a title for the task list.
In the Display Style section, select whether you want the task list to have a border.
In the # of Results to be Shown section, specify how many results you want to display at any one time in the task list.
In the Show Only the Tasks Assigned To section, specify the specific users, groups, or teams whose tasks you want to display.
In the Select the Task Folder(s) to be Shown section, do not select anything.
Vibe takes the tasks from the entire Vibe site that are associated to the user, group, or team that you specified in Step 10, and displays them in a single, convenient task list in the Accessory Panel.
Click Apply > Close.
The Task Summary accessory is displayed in the Accessory Panel on the pages where you configured it to be shown, as explained in Step 4.
If you are responsible for a maintaining a landing page for a workspace, you can configure the landing page to display the tasks that are assigned to that particular user. For more information, see Adding Content to Your Landing Page
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide.
Vibe enables you to import tasks from other software applications. You can import tasks from Outlook or from other applications that export to files of .ical, .ics, .ifb, and .icalendar formats.
You can import tasks as a single file, or you can import a list of tasks from a URL.
Navigate to the Tasks folder where you want to import the task.
Click the Configure icon next to the folder title, then click Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Task Import Options section, select From iCalendar File.
Click OK.
The Import Tasks from File dialog box is displayed.
Click Choose File, then browse to and select the task that you want to import.
Click Upload.
Navigate to the Tasks folder where you want to import the task.
Click the Configure icon next to the folder title, then click Folder Options.
The Folder Options dialog box is displayed.
In the Task Import Options section, select By URL.
Click OK.
The Import Tasks by URL dialog box is displayed.
In the provided field, specify the URL where there is a list of tasks that you want to import.
Click OK.