You can generate a report that tells you the user activity in the folder, or you can generate a report that tells you how many entries in the folder have individual access control settings.
You must have appropriate rights to generate these reports. If you do not have appropriate rights, these options are not available to you.
Navigate to the folder about which you want to generate the activity report.
Click View > Activity Reports in the Action toolbar.
The Activity Reports page is displayed.
Click User Activity Report.
The Folder Activity page is displayed.
Select the date range for which you want to generate the activity report.
Choose between the following options:
Report Workspace or Folder Activity: Select this option to see how many views, adds, modifies, and deletes have been made in the folder. You can generate a report for the following categories of users:
Team Members: View the folder activity of individual team members only.
All Users: View the folder activity of all Kablink Vibe users. This option shows the name of each user who has had some type of activity in the folder.
Summary: View a summary of all the activity that has occurred in the folder. This option does not list individual users.
Report on Workflow State: Select this option if you want to view a report on workflows in the folder. You can select to show the average time entries spent in each workflow state, or the number of entries that are currently in each state.
In the Select the Folders for Reporting section, navigate to and select the folders for which you want to generate the report. You can select multiple folders.
Click OK.
Vibe launches the report in a spreadsheet. For information regarding the columns in this spreadsheet, see Section 8.18.1, Generating Activity Reports.
You can run activity reports on individual entries. For information on how to do this, see Section 8.18, Generating Reports about a Folder Entry.
Because users can set access controls on individual entries, as discussed in Controlling Access to Entries
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide, folder owners can generate reports that specify how many entries in the folder have individual access control settings that differ from the folder access controls. Also, folder owners can see how many entries are hidden from them.
Navigate to the folder about which you want to generate the activity report.
Click View > Activity Reports in the Action toolbar.
The Activity Reports page is displayed.
Click Entry Access Report.
The Entry Access Report page is displayed. It contains the following information:
Entries in the folder: Displays how many entries exist in the folder.
Entries with an entry-level access control setting: Displays how many entries contain unique entry-level access controls that differ from the access controls that exist on the folder.
Hidden entries:
Displays how many hidden entries exist in the folder. Hidden entries are entries that the folder owner does not have rights to view, because the entry creator has restricted rights by setting an entry-level access control, as described in Controlling Access to Entries
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Advanced User Guide.
As a folder owner, if you discover that there are hidden entries within a folder, you can request the Vibe administrator to inspect the entries to ensure that there is no inappropriate or invalid content.
Creation Date: Displays the date that the hidden entry was created.
Author: Displays the name of the user who authored the hidden entry.
Click Close to exit the activity report.