Kablink Vibe enables you to generate reports about a folder entry. If you do not have sufficient rights, the option is not available to you.
Navigate to and open the entry that you want to generate an activity report about.
Click Reports > Activity Report in the Entry toolbar.
Vibe launches a spreadsheet that displays the entry activity.
For information on how to change the default application that Vibe uses to view activity reports, see Section B.9.1, Changing the Default Editor Settings for a Single File Type.
Activity reports contain the following kinds of information:
User: Shows the users who have had some kind of activity in the entry.
Views: Displays how many times the user has viewed the entry.
Adds: Displays who created the entry.
Edits: Displays who has edited the entry.
Deletes: Displays who deleted the entry. This column lists only entries that have been both deleted and purged.
To acquire this information, you must run the report at the folder level, as described in Section 6.10, Generating an Activity Report on a Folder.
Pre-deletes: Displays who deleted the entry. This column lists entries that have been deleted but not yet purged.
To acquire this information, you must either run the report at the folder level, as described in Section 6.10, Generating an Activity Report on a Folder, or navigate to the Trash folder to view the entry, as described in Section 8.10, Recovering a Folder Entry from the Trash.
Restores: Displays who restored the entry.
Navigate to and open the entry that you want to generate a report about.
Click Reports > Workflow History in the Entry toolbar.
Vibe opens a new page that displays the workflow history of the entry.
Workflow history reports contain the following kinds of information:
Event: Displays the order of the actions that have been performed concerning the workflow.
Date: Displays the date the entry was modified for the workflow.
Modified by: Displays the user who modified the entry for the workflow.
Operation: Displays the operation that was performed.
Process: Name of the original workflow.
Parallel Workflow Thread: Name of the workflow thread that is parallel to this workflow.
State: State of the workflow process.