The Edit-in-Place applet might not work if you have installed OpenOffice anywhere other than the default location.
To fix this problem:
Ensure that OpenOffice is installed at /Applications/
If OpenOffice is not installed, you must install it.
If you have installed OpenOffice somewhere other than the default location, you must specify this location in the Define Editor Overrides section in Vibe, as described in Section B.9.3, Changing the Default Editor Settings When the Editor is Not Installed in the Default Location.
If the problem persists, consult your Vibe administrator. The Vibe administrator can change this setting for the entire Vibe site, as described in Edit in Place Support for Mac Users
in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 Release Notes.
Edit-in-Place functionality is not supported on Mac when you use Microsoft Office as your document editor. To use Edit-in-Place functionality on Mac, you must use OpenOffice as your document editor.