Audit Trail

The Audit Trail tab lists all activities that occur within the lifetime of a Request, the resources used and the history of the Request's Item. It provides access to information relating to Approval activities logged against the Request.



Audit Trail

The Audit Trail option records all the activity related to a Request. The recorded activity, which can be exported to PDF includes:


Resource Utilization

The Resource Utilization option displays a breakdown of the time a Request was worked on at each level of support. It details the User's name, the escalation layer they belong to, and the amount of time they spent on the Request.


Item Audit Trail

The history of the Item associated with the Request is detailed within Item Audit Trail. To access more information regarding an Item Audit Trail entry, select the ID number hyperlink.


Request Approvals

For Requests that are assigned an Approval State, the details, including the time and date the Request entered and exited the Approval State, are recorded within this tab. Select the Date hyperlink to view the Approval Action information. The complete list and details can be exported using the PDF option.
