2.7 Upgrading the ZENworks Reporting Server

If you have ZENworks Reporting Server installed on a ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP 3 Primary Server, ZENworks Reporting Server ceases to work when you upgrade the server to ZENworks 11SP2.

If you have a ZENworks Configuration Management 10 SP3 Reporting Server installed, you need to install a new instance of ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting Server either on the same Primary Server or on a different Primary Server. If you have a ZENworks 11 Reporting Server installed, you can upgrade to ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting Server or install ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting Server on a different machine. There is no media upgrade from ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting Server to ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server. Once the ZENworks Primary Servers are upgraded to ZENworks 11 SP2 with ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting Server installed in the Zone, the ZENworks Reporting Server upgrade is completed.

NOTE:Ensure you take a backup of the reports from your existing instance before beginning the new installation.This is because the new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server ceases to work after the new installation is complete, and you cannot retrieve any reports. You can restore the archived reports to the new instance of ZENworks Reporting Server. For more information, see the Performing a Backup of Reports before Decommissioning an Existing Instance of ZENworks Reporting Server in the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server Installation Guide

2.7.1 Installing the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server on the Same Primary Server that has ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 Reporting Server Installed

  1. Uninstall the existing instance of ZENworks Reporting Server.

    The procedure to uninstall ZENworks 10 Configuration Management SP3 Reporting Server is the same the procedure that you use for ZENworks 11 Reporting Server. For more information on how to uninstall ZENworks Reporting Server, see Uninstalling ZENworks Reporting Server in the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server Installation Guide.

    NOTE:While uninstalling ZENworks 10 Reporting Server SP3, the uninstallation wizard is incorrectly displayed as Uninstall ZENworks 11 Reporting Server. You can proceed with the wizard to uninstall ZENworks 10 Reporting Server SP3.

  2. Ensure that you have upgraded the Primary Servers as explained in Section 2.0, Upgrading the Primary Servers to ZENworks 11 SP2.

  3. Install ZENworks Reporting Server.

    For more information on how to install ZENworks Reporting Server, see the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server Installation Guide.

  4. Run the following command to restore the reports and the report data that you backed up as explained in Section 2.4.1, Prerequisites for Performing the Upgrade for the First Time in the Management Zone:

    zman report-load (source folder)

    The source folder is the location of the folder from which all the reports and reporting rights are uploaded.

    For more information, see Report Commands in the ZENworks 11 SP2 Command Line Utilities Reference.

2.7.2 Installing the ZENworks11 SP2 Reporting Server on the Same Primary Server that has ZENworks 11 Reporting Server Installed

  1. Ensure that you have upgraded the Primary Servers as explained in Section 2.6, Upgrading the Primary Servers.

  2. Use the ZENworks 11 SP1 Reporting media installer to upgrade to ZENworks Reporting Server 11 SP2. For more information, please refer to the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server Installation Guide.

2.7.3 Installing the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server on a Different Server

  1. Ensure that you have upgraded the Primary Servers as explained in Section 2.0, Upgrading the Primary Servers to ZENworks 11 SP2.

  2. Install ZENworks Reporting Server.

    For more information on how to install ZENworks Reporting Server, see the ZENworks 11 SP2 Reporting Server Installation Guide.

  3. Run the following command to restore the reports and the reports data that you backed up as explained in Section 2.4.1, Prerequisites for Performing the Upgrade for the First Time in the Management Zone:

    zman report-load (source folder)

    The source folder is the location of the folder from which all the reports and reporting rights are uploaded.

    For more information, see Report Commands in the ZENworks 11 SP2 Command Line Utilities Reference.

NOTE:You can uninstall the prior instance of ZENworks Reporting Server in the zone at any point in time. However, leaving this instance installed does not affect the functioning of the currently installed ZENworks 11SP2 Reporting Server.