L.0 Exporting Package Bundles from a ZENworks Linux Management Server to a YUM Repository

The zlm2yum is a stand-alone utility that allows you to export RPM package bundles from the pkg-repo package repository to a corresponding YUM or RPM-MD installation source repository on the ZENworks Linux Management Server. The YUM repository for a bundle is signed and published automatically on the ZENworks Linux Management Server at a specific location. The relative path of each exported bundle is unique in the repository. The URLs of the repository path can be added as an installation source on the device by using YaST or rug. You can also add the YUM repository path for an exported bundle on managed devices by using the Remote Execute Policy or Bundle Scriptable Actions. YUM repository creation from the bundle does not duplicate the packages on ZENworks Linux Management server but only creates a symlink to the original packages imported as part of the bundles under the original pkg-repo path.

The zlm2yum utility is supported on the ZENworks Linux Management Primary Server. This utility does not support exporting of the YaST Online Update (YOU) patch bundles (patch-xxxxx) on the SLES 9 and OES 1 platforms.

NOTE:If you have bundles with the same name in different folders, you should not export such bundles. However, you can rename the bundles and export them.

The zlm2yum script is used to configure the zlm2yum utility. For more information on the available options in the utility, see the --help.

To configure the zlm2yum utility to export the bundles:

  1. Set up the authentication in the /root/.zlmanrc file to automate the zlman commands used in the utility. For more information on the zlman RC file, see the zlman (1) Novell man page.

  2. Install the createrepo package from the SDK media for SLES 10 or SLES 11 located at http://software.opensuse.org/search, or SDK-Pool located at https://nu.novell.com/repo on the device where the ZENworks Linux Management Server is installed.

  3. Configure Tomcat on the ZENworks Linux Management Server to host the YUM repository at a specified location by running the zlm2yum utility as root with the --setup option.

  4. (Optional) Run the utility again with the --gkey option, to enable signing of the exported YUM installation source by using the GPG secret key.

    You must perform this step only once because the utility uses the same key to sign other YUM repositories that you might host.

    The YUM repository created locally from package bundles has a similar folder structure to ZENworks Control Center. If you need to sign the YUM repository for the exported bundle, you must generate the GPG secret key by using the --gkey option in the zlm2yum script or by using the gpg -q --gen-key command.

  5. Ensure that the repository is accessible at the source path http://ZLMServer-Host or IPaddress/zen-yumrepo/.

  6. Run the script with the required options to export the bundle to YUM installation source.

    For example, to export all the bundles within the OES2SP2/OES2-SP2-Updates folder, run the following command:

    sh zlm2yum.sh -f OES2SP2-Folder/OES2-SP2-Updates-Folder -p /var/opt/novell/zenworks/yum-zenrepo -h localhost

    To export the OES2-SP2-Updates-bundle within the OES2SP2 folder, run the following command:

    sh zlm2yum.sh -b OES2SP2-Folder/OES2-SP2-Updates-bundle -p /var/opt/novell/zenworks/yum-zenrepo -h localhost

    The bundles are exported to the YUM repository location specified in Step 3. You can click the package links to access the packages within the repository path.

  7. Add the location of the YUM installation source for the exported bundle by using YaST or the rug sa command to install or update the packages.