ActiveX NDAP Controls
The NDAP Controls component supports full access to Novell eDirectory® and administration capabilities for NetWare® servers, and volumes. All of this functionality is packaged for quick and easy use in Windows* Visual Builder and other development tools, such as Visual Basic*, Delphi*, PowerBuilder, Active Server Pages for the Internet Information Server, Windows Scripting Host, and Internet Explorer.
The following controls are in this category:
- Application Administration (NWAppA)
- Browser (NWBrowse)
- Directory (NWDir)
- Directory Administration (NWDirA)
- Directory Authenticator (NWDirAuth)
- Directory Query (NWDirQ)
- NDPS Printer Administration (NWDPPrtA)
- NDS Corporate Edition Domain (NDSDomain)
- Network Selector (NWSelect)
- SecretStore (NWSecStr)
- Server Administration (NWSrvA)
- Session Management (NWSess)
- User Group (NWUsrGrp)
- Volume Administration (NWVolAdm)
NetWare® evaluation software is available from the NetWare product site.
Novell eDirectory evaluation software is available from the eDirectory product site.
Your use of these files is subject to the Novell Developer License Agreement unless different license terms accompany the file itself, in which case those terms
Sample Code
What's New
July 2007
- Rebuilt to include the missing Nwsess.ocx file
- No changes.
- No changes.
ActiveX NDAP Controls
NDAP Controls requires the following:
- ActiveX Controls for Novell Services (Core Components), which contains the required core libraries shared among the 'Controls' components.
- A 32-bit operating system that supports Windows 95 compatible long file names
- Novell Client,
- Novell SecretStore Developer Kit for C and Novell Windows Client NICI V1.5.1 or later, which is required for the SecretStore Control.
- Visual Basic 6 or later, which is required for the Visual Basic examples.
This is an unsupported component. We strongly recommend that you do not select components from this page and begin to use them in a production environment.
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