NetWare Management Agent
NetWare Management Agent is a collection of NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) that provide SNMP-based instrumentation for various parts of the NetWare operating system and its services. Included in this set of agents are NLMs that provide for SNMP GET, SET, and TRAP commands (in addition to normal statistical counters). Also included are objects that can be trended and can trigger TRAPs when customizable thresholds are reached.
These agents are designed to run on NetWare. Access to data is requested through SNMP GET, GET NEXT, and SET commands. The available agent data is documented in the corresponding MIBs, which are self-documenting descriptions of SNMP data.
Terms and Conditions
NetWare Management Agent Software (NMA Software) is available to you solely to assist in the development of products that interoperate with the NMA Software. A supplement to the Novell Developer License Agreement accompanies the NMA software. This supplement contains restrictions that preclude reproduction, modification, or redistribution of the NMA software. The NMA Software was originally intended for internal use and was not documented in the Novell publicly available developer kits. The NMA Software applies only to the versions of the corresponding Novell products specified in any relevant technical specifications provided with the NMA Software; and may and will be changed by Novell without warning in later versions of the corresponding Novell products.
Note: The Novell agents that ship with this component are not redistributable. The HOSTMIB and SERVINST agents ship with NetWare 5. The other MIB agents included with this component are available to end users by purchasing the ManageWise® product.
Your use of these files is subject to the Novell Developer License Agreement unless different license terms accompany the file itself, in which case those terms
What's New
October 2004
Updated the license.txt file.
NetWare Management Agent
NetWare Management Agent requires the snmp.nlm to be loaded with NetWare. The snmp.nlm file must have a protocol stack loaded in order to communicate using IP and/or IPX. Protocols should be bound to the appropriate hardware.
Note: Snmp.nlm is shipped with NetWare. If you have already installed NetWare, you have snmp.nlm on your Sys:\system volume; you just need to load the nlm.
This component is peer supported by the Novell developer community.
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