13.0 WebAccess Agent Error Messages

WEBACC: CMC encountered a problem accessing the GroupWise domain

Source: GroupWise® WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not access the GroupWise domain in which its gateway directory is located.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent was not started with the /ph switch.
Action: Start the WebAccess Agent by using the /ph switch. For example, gwinter /ph-j:\advert\wpgate\webac70a. For more information, see Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent lost its connection to the domain directory or does not have sufficient rights in the directory structure.
Action: Reestablish the connection to the domain directory and make sure the WebAccess Agent has sufficient rights. See WebAccess Security Requirements in Installing GroupWise WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .

WEBACC: CMC was not able to access this GroupWise gateway directory

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not access its gateway directory in domain directory ( domain\wpgate\ webac70a , where domain is the domain directory and webac70a is the gateway directory).
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have sufficient rights in the domain directory structure.
Action: Make sure the WebAccess Agent has sufficient rights. See WebAccess Security Requirements in Installing GroupWise WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .

WEBACC: CMC was not able to establish a connection to the post office

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not connect to the WebAccess user’s post office.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent lost its direct connection (UNC path or mapped drive) to the post office directory or does not have sufficient rights in the directory structure.
Action: Reestablish the connection to the post office directory and make sure the WebAccess Agent has sufficient rights. See WebAccess Security Requirements in Installing GroupWise WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent lost its TCP/IP connection to the Post Office Agent (POA).
Action: Make sure the Post Office Agent is up and running and that TCP/IP is configured properly on the servers running the WebAccess Agent and Post Office Agent. See Managing Access to Post Offices in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent’s post office link information is not defined correctly in Novell® eDirectory™.
Action: Check the post office link information. See Modifying Links to Post Offices in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Conversation timed out

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent automatically logs a user out of GroupWise if he or she does not use GroupWise WebAccess for a certain period of time (the timeout interval). This message indicates that the GroupWise WebAccess user’s session has timed out.
Possible Cause: The GroupWise WebAccess user did not perform any actions in GroupWise WebAccess during the timeout interval.
Action: Have the user log in again. Lengthen the timeout interval. See Creating a Class of Service in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Could not start logging thread

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent uses a separate thread other than the regular worker threads for logging. The WebAccess Agent could not open the logging thread.
Possible Cause: Low memory resources.
Action: Free up memory or add additional memory.

WEBACC: Error accessing directory

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not access the specified directory.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent lost its connection to the server where the directory resides or does not have sufficient rights to the directory.
Action: Reestablish the connection to the server and make sure the WebAccess Agent has sufficient rights to the directory. See WebAccess Security Requirements in Installing GroupWise WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .

WEBACC: Error accessing startup file

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not access the startup file specified by the @ filename switch.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have the rights needed to access the startup file or the startup file does not exist in the specified location.
Action: Make sure the WebAccess Agent has rights to the startup file.
Action: Make sure the startup file is in the same directory as the WebAccess Agent program or that filename includes the full path to the file.

WEBACC: File I/O error

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not view a log file.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have access to log file directory, or does not have rights to the file.
Action: Make sure the WebAccess Agent has access to the log file directory and that it has rights to view the file.

WEBACC: GWINTER NLM cannot initialize screen

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent cannot display its agent console.
Possible Cause: Insufficient memory.
Action: Free up memory or add additional memory.

WEBACC: GWINTER NLM initialization error: Invalid GWENN5.NLM loaded

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: GroupWise Agent Engine ( gwenn5.nlm ) that is currently loaded is the incorrect version for the WebAccess Agent.
Possible Cause: Another GroupWise agent loaded an earlier version of gwenn5.nlm.
Action: Unload all GroupWise agents that are running on the server. Start GroupWise WebAccess and restart the other GroupWise agents. Make sure the other GroupWise agents are version 7. If necessary, reinstall the GroupWise WebAccess software to install the correct version of gwenn5.nlm.

WEBACC: Hash value changed

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: Possible security violation.
Possible Cause: A user bookmarked a GroupWise WebAccess location then attempted to access it directly from another server.
Action: Have the user log in through the GroupWise WebAccess login screen.

WEBACC: If necessary, the system will attempt a forced shutdown ...

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: In one minute, the WebAccess Agent will attempt to shut down even if WebAccess users are still logged in.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent has been shut down, but one or more worker threads are still processing user requests.
Action: None.

WEBACC: Invalid command line syntax

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The specified syntax is invalid.
Possible Cause: The wrong startup switch syntax was used when attempting to start the WebAccess Agent.

WEBACC: Invalid log level

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The specified log level is not a valid log level.
Possible Cause: The log level specified by the /loglevel startup switch is not valid.
Action: Use one of the valid log levels: normal, verbose, or diagnostic. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Invalid startup parameter

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The specified startup switch is not a valid switch.
Possible Cause: A startup switch used on the command line or in the startup file is not valid.
Action: Retype the command line or edit the startup file to include valid switches only. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Invalid startup parameter file

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The specified file is not a valid startup file.
Possible Cause: The file is not a text file or does not contain any startup switches.
Action: Save the file as a text file or enter valid startup switches in the file. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Invalid startup parameter value

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The value for the specified startup switch is not valid.
Possible Cause: An invalid value was entered with the startup switch on the command line or in the startup file.
Action: Enter a valid value. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Logging: Disk is full - turning file logging off

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The disk where the log files are stored is full. File logging will be turned off.
Possible Cause: The disk is full.
Action: Delete files to increase available disk space. Allocate more disk space. Specify a different location for the log files. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Logging: Error creating file - turning file logging off

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not create the log file, so disk logging is being turned off.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have rights to create files in the log file directory.
Action: Provide the WebAccess Agent with rights to create files in the log file directory or specify a different location for the log files. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide . Check the disk to make sure that there is sufficient space available to create the file.

WEBACC: Logging: Error writing to file - turning file logging off

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not write information to the log file, so logging is being turned off.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have rights to write to files in the log file directory or the disk is full.
Action: Provide the WebAccess Agent with rights to write to files in the log file directory or specify a different location for the log files. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Login failed

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: A WebAccess user attempted to log in and failed.
Possible Cause: The user did not enter a valid GroupWise user ID or password.
Action: Make sure the user knows his or her GroupWise user ID. Make sure the user has a password set on his or her mailbox and knows the password.

WEBACC: Login rejected: No valid password specified

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: A GroupWise WebAccess user could not log in because he or she did not enter a valid password.
Possible Cause: The user did not enter a password when logging in.
Action: Make sure the user knows his or her mailbox password and enters it when logging in.

WEBACC: Login rejected: No valid userid specified

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: A GroupWise WebAccess user could not log in because he or she did not enter a valid GroupWise user ID.
Possible Cause: The user did not enter a GroupWise user ID or full name when logging in.
Action: Make sure the user knows his or her GroupWise user ID and enters it when logging in. Users can also enter their full names as they appear in eDirectory and the GroupWise Address Book.

WEBACC: Login rejected: Password is incorrect

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The password specified during login is incorrect.
Possible Cause: The user entered the wrong password.
Action: Make sure the user knows his or her mailbox password and enters it when logging in. Passwords are case sensitive.

WEBACC: No gateway alias was specified in NW Admin

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The gateway alias type is not defined.
Possible Cause: The gateway alias was not specified in ConsoleOne® during setup.
Action: Specify a gateway alias type. In ConsoleOne, double-click the WebAccess object, enter an alias in the Gateway Alias Type field, then click OK. The alias can be the same name as the gateway.

WEBACC: No gateway directory was specified

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent must know the path to its gateway home directory. This path is specified by the /ph startup switch.
Possible Cause: The /ph startup switch was not used on the command line or in the strtweb.ncf or strtweb.bat file.
Action: Include the startup switch. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: No message is currently open

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: This is an internal diagnostic message.
Possible Cause: Unknown.
Action: If the problem persists, contact the Novell Support.

WEBACC: No NetWare password was specified

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The GroupWise WebAccess Agent requires an account and password that lets it log in to eDirectory or NetWare® servers so that it can access the domain directory and post office directories.
Possible Cause: The /password startup switch was not used on the command line or does not exist in the strtweb.ncf file.
Action: Use the /password startup switch when starting the WebAccess Agent from the command line or edit the strtweb.ncf file to add the switch. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: No NetWare user ID was specified

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The GroupWise WebAccess Agent requires an account and password that lets it log in to eDirectory or NetWare servers so that it can access the domain directory and post office directories.
Possible Cause: The /user startup switch was not used on the command line or does not exist in the strtweb.ncf file.
Action: Use the /user startup switch when starting the WebAccess Agent from the command line or edit the strtweb.ncf file to add the switch. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: No UNC path specified for the post office

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent is attempting direct access to a post office and no UNC path is specified.
Possible Cause: The UNC path is not defined in the post office link information.
Action: In ConsoleOne, specify a UNC path or mapped drive to the post office. See Modifying Links to Post Offices in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Not able to bind to specified port

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not bind to the TCP/IP port it uses to listen for messages from the GroupWise WebAccess CGI Extension.
Possible Cause: Another program is using the port.
Action: Resolve the port conflict by changing the port used by the other program or the port used by the WebAccess Agent. To change the WebAccess Agent’s port, see in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Not able to open configuration file

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not open the comint.cfg file located in its gateway home directory ( domain\wpgate\ webac70a , where domain is the domain directory and webac70a is the gateway home directory). The WebAccess Agent reads configuration information from this file.
Possible Cause: The file has been deleted or has a problem.
Action: Use ConsoleOne to reenter the configuration information. See Configuring the WebAccess Agent in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Not enough memory to complete operation

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not perform the operation because of insufficient memory.
Possible Cause: Insufficient memory.
Action: Free up memory or add additional memory.

WEBACC: Request aborted while waiting on locked conversation

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: During a conversation (or session), GroupWise WebAccess issues a request whenever the user performs an action in WebAccess. When the WebAccess Agent receives a request, it locks the conversation so that it can process the request. While the conversation is locked, other requests can accumulate. This message indicates a request that was waiting on the locked conversation has timed out.
Possible Cause: The request for the locked conversation took longer than allowed.
Action: Have the GroupWise WebAccess user perform the action again (for example, resend the message).

WEBACC: Request rejected because all threads are busy

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not process a request from a WebAccess user because no threads were available.
Possible Cause: Heavy WebAccess usage for the number of threads allocated to the WebAccess Agent.
Action: If this error occurs often, increase the number of threads. See Modifying WebAccess Settings in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Running the agent with conflicting effective users

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent for Linux.
Explanation: You are starting the WebAccess Agent as a user that is different from the user the WebAccess Agent is configured to run as. The user specified in the uid.conf file does not match the user specified in the uid.run file.
Possible Cause: The user specified in the uid.conf file has been manually edited.
Possible Cause: The uid.conf file has been deleted.
Action: Verify that the uid.conf file specifies the desired user, then delete the uid.run file. For more information, see Running the Linux GroupWise Agents as a Non-root User in Installing GroupWise Agents in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .

WEBACC: Startup file not found

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not find the startup file specified by the @ filename startup switch.
Possible Cause: The startup file is not in the same directory as the WebAccess Agent and filename does not include the complete path to the file.
Action: Move the startup file to the same directory as the WebAccess Agent or include the full path in the filename (for example @j:\startup\webstart.txt).

WEBACC: TCP socket accept failed

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The GroupWise WebAccess CGI Extension tried to start a new session with the WebAccess Agent, but the WebAccess Agent could not handle another session.
Possible Cause: Insufficient memory.
Action: Free up memory or add additional memory.

WEBACC: The post office is closed

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: While processing a request for a user, the WebAccess Agent could not access the user’s post office.
Possible Cause: Logging in to the post office has been disabled through ConsoleOne.
Action: Enable the post office. See Disabling a Post Office in Post Offices in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: The system is busy, please try again later

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: A user tried to log in to GroupWise WebAccess, but the WebAccess Agent could not handle another user.
Possible Cause: All worker threads are currently being used.
Action: If the problem persists, increase the number of threads. See Modifying WebAccess Settings in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Unable to establish a connection to the default log path

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent could not access the specified log file directory.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have rights to the directory or does not have access to the file server.
Action: Make sure the WebAccess Agent’s user account provides the correct access and rights, or specify a different log file directory using the /log switch. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Unable to establish a connection to the log path

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent cannot access the log file directory.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess Agent does not have rights to the directory or does not have access to the file server.
Action: Make sure the WebAccess Agent’s user account provides the correct access and rights, or specify a different log file directory using the /log switch. See Using WebAccess Startup Switches in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

WEBACC: Unable to find the specified user

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: The WebAccess Agent cannot find the user in the GroupWise database.
Possible Cause: When logging in, the user entered an incorrect or invalid user ID.
Action: Have the user enter a valid user ID or full username (as defined in eDirectory or the GroupWise Address Book) when logging in.
Action: Have the user try logging in using the full GroupWise username ( domain. post_office. userID.
Possible Cause: The WebAccess servlet has encountered a problem with the username.
Action: Check the WebAccess Application log for additional error messages. The location of the log file varies by platform.

WEBACC: Unknown keyword:

Source: GroupWise WebAccess Agent
Explanation: When communicating, the WebAccess Agent and WebAccess CGI Extension exchange keywords. This message indicates that the keyword given by the WebAccess CGI Extension is not known by the WebAccess Agent.
Possible Cause: The comint.cfg file used by the WebAccess Agent is out of sync with the commgr.cfg file used by the WebAccess CGI Extension. The WebAccess Agent, WebAccess CGI Extension, HTML templates, and Java* applets are not the same version.
Action: In ConsoleOne, reenter the configuration information so that the comint.cfg file and commgr.cfg file will be resaved. See Configuring the WebAccess Agent in WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide .

If the problem persists, reinstall the GroupWise WebAccess software. See Installing GroupWise WebAccess in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide .