This section provides information about upgrading from Novell® ZENworks® Orchestrator 1.3 to PlateSpin® Orchestrate 2.0 from Novell. It is important that you upgrade the ZENworks Orchestrator components you have installed in the sequence that follows:
Section 2.1, Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Server Components
Section 2.3, Recovering from a Failed Orchestrator Server Upgrade
Section 2.4, Restoring ZENworks Orchestrator If the Upgrade Fails
Section 2.5, Upgrading the ZENworks Orchestrator Agents and Clients
Section 2.6, Upgrading the ZENworks VM Manager Console to PlateSpin Orchestrate VM Client
Section 2.7, Running the Upgrade Configuration on an Enterprise Scale
Section 2.8, Upgrading a ZENworks Orchestrator 1.3 High Availability Configuration
NOTE:The upgrade process from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 is identical to the upgrade from 1.3 to 2.0.2.