1.2 Review Steps for Installing Novell Teaming

The steps below are provided as an overview of the installation process. Detailed installation instructions are provided in Section 2.0, Installing Novell Teaming.

  1. Install the JDK.

    • The Sun JDK 1.5.0_011 (or higher) or the IBM JDK version 1.5 is supported.

    • Java 1.6 is currently not supported.

    You can download the Sun JDK from java.sun.com. Select the “JDK/JRE - 5.0” product line and download the JDK.

    The IBM JDK 1.5 is available on the SLES 10 distribution. Use YAST to select and install the IBM JDK. Larger deployments with 64-bit hardware should seriously consider using the 64-bit JDK, because it allows increased memory allocation and better performance.

    On the Sun site, you can ignore the notes in the 64-bit JDK about “Java Web Start” and “applets,” because Novell Teaming is neither of those.)

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on your computer to the correct JDK path and name on your system.

    For example:

    • On Linux: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk_1.5.0_11

    • On Windows: JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_11

    WARNING:In Windows, you must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Also, close and re-open any command prompt windows after setting this variable.

  3. Install and Configure the Database Server. See Database Planning.

  4. Download the appropriate Novell Teaming kit and unzip it.

  5. If you want to run the indexing service in Novell Teaming on a different machine from Novell Teaming, install the Lucene* Index Server on the other machine. See Installing a Standalone Lucene Index Server.

  6. Run the installer from where you unzipped the Novell Teaming kit. See Running the Installer.

    The installer is named one of the following, according to your operating system:

    • installer-liferay.exe

    • installer-liferay.linux

    If you are doing an upgrade, use your existing license-key.xml and installer.xml files by placing them in the same directory as the installer program. If you are doing a new installation, use your license-key.xml by placing it in the same directory as the installer program. The license-key.xml file required to install the product is provided with the software kit (but is not included in the kit).

  7. Start and stop Novell Teaming. See Starting and Stopping Novell Teaming.

    System diagram