A.2 Getting Informed

Now Teaming enables you to find out what colleagues are saying more easily than ever.

A.2.1 Setting Up Live Teaming Feeds (v2.1)

Teaming 2.1 enables you to view live feeds of the latest entries in your teams, tracked places, or across the entire site, so you can be up-to-date in real time without entering the Teaming site. And, like Twitter, you can see live feeds for the micro-blog entries of the people you are tracking.

For more information, see Section 2.14, Viewing Live Teaming Feeds.

A.2.2 What’s New Quick Access Tab (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to view what’s new and what’s most popular in your teams, your tracked places, or across the site.

For more information, see Section 2.2.2, Finding What’s New in Your Teams, Tracked Places, or Across the Entire Site and Section 2.3, Finding What’s Most Popular In Your Teaming Site.

A.2.3 Tasks and Calendars Quick Access Tab (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to view the tasks that are assigned to you, and the calendar events for which you are scheduled on the current day.

For more information, see Section 2.8, Viewing Tasks and Section 2.9, Viewing Calendar Events.

A.2.4 Recent Entries Quick Access Tab (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to view entries that you recently posted, as well as entries that you recently visited.

For more information, see Section 2.7, Viewing Recent Contributions.

A.2.5 Micro-Blogs and Shared Items Quick Access Tab (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to view the micro-blog entries of the people you are tracking, as well as see any items that people have shared with you.

For more information, see Using the Relevance Tabs in Your Personal Workspace to View the Micro-Blog Entries of People You Are Tracking and Section 2.11.3, Viewing Shared Items.

A.2.6 Tracking Workspaces, Folders, and People (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to track workspaces, folders, and people. When you track something or someone in Teaming, you can easily see activity generated in the specific place that you are tracking, or for the specific person that you are tracking.

For more information, see Section 2.6, Tracking and Untracking Places and People of Interest.

A.2.7 Finding What’s New in Specific Workspaces or Folders (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to navigate to a specific workspace or folder, and immediately find the latest entries and additions.

For more information, see Section 2.2.1, Finding What’s New in a Workspace or Folder.

A.2.8 Synchronizing Tasks and Calendars With iCal (v2.0)

Teaming 2.0 and later enables you to synchronize your tasks and calendars with your desktop application by using iCal.

For more information, see Section 2.16, Synchronizing Teaming Task and Calendar Folders to a Desktop Calendar Application.