Package com.novell.zos.jdl

Class Summary
AndConstraint Representation of the And Constraint.
BinaryConstraint Representation of a Constraint operating on left and right operands.
BuildSpec Defines the attributes for building a new VM.
CharRange Define lexical character string range of values for ParameterSpace scheduling.
ComputedFact ComputedFact is the base class for creating custom Computed Facts.
ComputedFactContext ComputedFactContext provides access to the evaluation context.
Constraint Constraint is the base class for all constraint classes.
ContainerConstraint Representation of a Constraint that contains other Constraints.
ContainsConstraint Representation of the Contains Constraint.
DataGrid General interface to the Data Grid.
DefinedConstraint Representation of the Defined Constraint.
EqConstraint Representation of the Equals Constraint.
Exec The Exec class is used to manage command line execution on resources.
ExecError ExecError is raised for errors in executing a command line using the Exec class or system().
FileRange Define a range of values for a ParameterSpace based on the lines of a text file.
GeConstraint Representation of the Greater than or Equals Constraint.
GridObjectInfo The GridObjectInfo class is the base class representation of all Grid Objects in the system.
GroupInfo The GroupInfo class is a representation of Group grid objects.
GtConstraint Representation of the Greater than Constraint.
Job The Job class is a representation of a running job instance.
JobInfo The JobInfo class is a representation of a deployed Job.
Joblet The Joblet class defines execution on the resource.
JobletInfo JobletInfo is a representation of the Joblet Grid Object created when a Job calls schedule() to create Joblets.
JobletParameterSpace JobletParameterSpace is a slice of the ParameterSpace allocated to a Joblet.
LeConstraint Representation of the Less than or equals Constraint.
LtConstraint Representation of the Less than Constraint.
MatrixInfo The MatrixInfo class is a representation of the matrix grid object.
MigrateSpec Defines the options for the migrate action.
NeConstraint Representation of the Not Equals Constraint.
NotConstraint Representation of Not Constraint Object.
OrConstraint Representation of Or Constraint Object.
ParameterSpace Defines a parameter space to be used by the scheduler to create a Joblet set.
PolicyInfo Representation of a Policy Object.
ProvisionSpec Defines the attributes for starting a provision.
RepositoryInfo RepositoryInfo is a representation of a Repository Grid Object.
ResourceInfo ResourceInfo is a representation of a Resource Grid Object.
RunJobSpec Defines the attributes for starting a child job or a stand-alone job.
ScheduleSpec The ScheduleSpec class defines one or more Joblets to be scheduled and run on resources.
Timer Timer schedules a callback to a Job or Joblet method.
UndefinedConstraint Representation of the Undefined Constraint.
UserInfo UserInfo is a representation of a User Grid Object.
VMHostInfo The VmHostInfo class is a representation of a VM host grid object.
VmSpec Defines the attributes for creating a VM.

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