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Creating Add-Ons

This document describes add-on media preparation for SUSE Linux 10.1 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 products. The add-on support was developed to support our customers and partners and simplify third-party software distribution for all SUSE products.

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Creating an Add-On Product

If you want to distribute your software or product for SUSE Linux 10.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, and higher with support from installation programs like YaST and rug, you can create add-on media.


Supported Versions Including add-ons is supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, and higher. Add-ons cannot be used in older products. SUSE Linux 10.1 does not supported creation of an add-on workflow.

Software distribution as add-on products has the following advantages:

  • Your software can be added to the list in YaST Software Management and to the list of installation sources. Users can easily install and reinstall your software.
  • You can create an installation workflow and configuration for the add-on product.
  • It is possible to influence the second stage of the installation if users add the product during initial installation. This means that you can add new configuration dialogs for your software directly to the installation procedure. You can omit this functionality if you think it is not useful for your software.

To create add-on media, do following:

  1. Outline the add-on media structure and create the content file with a basic media description for YaST. See an Add-On Structure The_content_File for an add-on media structure example and for information about the structure of the file.
  2. Prepare signed RPM packages with your software and create package descriptions. For details about creating package descriptions, see Package Descriptions.
  3. Create the add-on license file and optional special information file. Find information about placing and naming these files in Pop-Up License Windows and Special Files in the media.1 Directory.
  4. Create selections (for SUSE Linux 10.1) or patterns (SUSE Linux Enterprise). This step is optional. For more information, see Selections and Patterns.
  5. Create the installation workflow for the add-on product. This step is optional.
  6. To give autorun functionality, create autorun files for your add-on as described in Autorun.
  7. Create md5 checksums for all files in the directory and save them to the file MD5SUMS. You cannot create md5 checksums for directories with subdirectories only. For more information, see MD5.
  8. Sign the add-on product as described in Signing the Add-On Product.
  9. Create a directory.yast file in directories of the add-on that do not have packages. For more information, see The directory.yast Files.
  10. Burn the add-on media as normal data CDs or DVDs. You can use any burning software.
Testing the Add-On Media

YaST and zmd use a cache for the add-on media. The add-on media are cached on disk and used even if the original source is removed. To prevent problems with adding and removing the test media, change the content file for each add-on preversion. It is not possible to add two add-on media with same product name and vendor name in the content file.

Add-On Structure

YaST can work with two formats of installation media: YaST and YUM. Only the YaST format is described in this document, because it is recommended for local installation sources, such as add-on product CDs or DVDs. For information about the YUM format, read the articles:

Before you start creating the add-on media, create a dedicated directory, for example, /tmp/addon, to have better overview of included files and directories.

To have functional add-on media, first create a minimal skeleton of the media in your dedicated directory. This minimal skeleton contains all parts to install a product with YaST, but does not include any selections or patterns. The product will not be installed automatically after the CD or DVD is inserted or display special notes.

You can create add-on with multiple media. The minimal skeleton for all media is same. The media skeletons differ only in the number for the media-n directory.

Using Minimal Media

If you want to test the minimal add-on functionality, you should:

  • Sign metadata with your key
  • Create an MD5SUMS file with the MD5 checksums of included RPM files in all data subdirectories
  • Add the SHA1 digest of all MD5SUMS files, files in the descr directory, and all used keys to the content file
  • Provide all used keys

You should also create directory.yast as described in The directory.yast Files. For more information about security issues and metadata signatures, see Signatures and Other Security Issues.

The skeleton of an add-on medium has three parts:

The content File
Information about the add-on product.
The media.n Directory
Files with information about the media. The directory is called media.1 for the first add-on medium. If you prepare an add-on with multiple media, the second media should instead have a media.2 directory, the third media a media.3 directory, and so on.
The Data Directory
Directory with RPM packages.This example is the first add-on medium, uses the data directory suse, and has packages only for the i586 architecture:
    -gpg-pubkey-*.asc (* is a number of the key)
    -media.1/   --media             

    -suse/      --i586/  ---*.rpm (* is a name of the package)          

                --setup/ ---descr/   ----packages               

A minimal add-on structure with signatures and all integrity check components:

    -gpg-pubkey-*.asc (* is a number of the key)
    -media.1/   --directory.yast          
    -suse/ --i586/    ---MD5SUMS        
                      ---*.rpm (* is a name of the package)     

           --setup/    ---descr/   ----directory.yast         

The Data Directory

The data directory is defined with DATADIR in the content file, which is described in The content File. The name of the data directory may be selected freely. Store all RPM packages of your add-on product in this directory sorted into subdirectories by the architecture for which they were built. Name these subdirectories by architecture:

For the 32-bit i386 Intel architecture (i486 with coprocessor and higher). Since SuSE Linux 8.0 and SLES8, 32-bit SUSE Linux is optimized for the i586 architecture and this directory is obsolete.
For the 32-bit i586 Intel architecture (Pentium 1 and higher). Since SuSE Linux 8.0 and SLES8, 32-bit SUSE Linux is optimized for this architecture.
For the 32-bit i686 Intel architecture.
For the 64-bit AMD x86-64 and Intel EMT architectures.
For the 64-bit Intel Itanium architecture.
For the Power PC architecture.
For the 64-bit Power PC architecture.
For the S/390 (31-Bit) architecture
For the zSeries (64-Bit) architecture
For architecture-independent packages.
For source packages.
For proprietary software development packages without source packages. This directory does not contain the binary for installation, but only files needed for RPM creation.Some products are built only for some architectures. It is not necessary to prepare the architecture-specific directories for unsupported architectures.
SUSE Linux Optimization

From SUSE Linux 8.0 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 8, all packages for 32-bit Intel processors are optimized for the i586 architecture. The last versions with i386 optimization are SuSE Linux 7.3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 7.

For SUSE Linux 10.1, x86_64, i686, i586, ppc, noarch, and src are supported. For SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, x86_64, i686, i586, noarch, src, and nosrc are supported. For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, x86_64, ia64, i686, i586, ppc, ppc64, s390, s390x, noarch, src, and nosrc are supported.

The media.n Directory

The media.<tt>n</tt> directory includes basic information about the add-on media set. Replace the n character with the number of the media. For example, if you create the first medium of an add-on with multiple media, use media.1. For the second medium, use media.2. The directory on all media should contain the files:

The mandatory media file contains a media description for identification purposes. It is not shown to the user but should contain human-readable data for debugging purposes.
This file contains the directory names for each product contained on the media. If this file is not present, a single product on the medium's root directory is assumed.

The media File

The media file contains a media description for identification purposes. It is not shown to the user but should contain human-readable data for debugging purposes.

The file for the first medium of the add-on should contain three lines:

  • Name of the vendor
  • Media ID, which can be arbitrary unique number, such as the date of creation in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  • Number of media in the product

Example for the first medium of an add-on with five media:

    SUSE Linux Products GmbH 

All other media can contain only lines with vendor and creation date.

The products File

This file contains the directory name for each product contained on the media. If this file is not present, a single product on the root directory is assumed.

product is an ASCII file with one line per add-on product. Each line starts with the directory name (relative to the root directory of the medium) followed by whitespace (space or tab) and the product name and version. A leading slash in the directory name is only needed to specify the root directory of the media.

In the following example, SUSE Linux Add-On Example 10.1 is in the root directory. The other products (Add-On 2 and Add-On 3) have their own subdirectories:

    /        SUSE Linux Add-On Example 10.1  
    addon2   Add-On 2
    addon3   Add-On 3  

The directory.yast Files

YaST2 uses directory.yast files to obtain information about the media directory structure. This file should be in every directory of the media except directories with RPM packages. In the directories with packages, you need only an MD5SUMS file, because information about packages are provided by package description files, described in Package Descriptions.

To create it, enter the following command in each directory:

    ls -A1 -p > directory.yast

where -A1 is A and number one.

Special Files in the media.1 Directory

media.1 can optionally host the files and info.txt. These files are included on the first medium only.

If you want to display information about the add-on product license as a window with Agree and Disagree buttons before installation starts, include in media.1. can include the license in different languages, one file per language. The filename should be in the format license.LANG.txt, where LANG is the ISO code of the language. To differentiate variants of one language, you can use the language-code_country-code combination. The files should use UTF-8 encoding.

Example content:

License File for Systems without SP1

A SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 system without SP1 can only work with the long form of the language ISO code (<language-code>_<country-code>) in the filename of the license.

The optional info.txt file gives information about the add-on that should be displayed as a pop-up window with an OK button. The info.txt file is a simple text file in UTF-8 encoding.

Optional Files

Optional files and directories are not needed for simple package installation, but can extend the add-on functionality or provide useful information. You can, for example, create files that make your add-on product visible as a pattern in YaST or include a simple text file with instructions for how to install your add-on product.

The optional files and autorun.inf include information for automatic start of the add-on media. For more information about creation, see Autorun.

The optional files INDEX.gz, ARCHIVES.gz, and ls-lR.gz include information about files in the packages and descriptions of the packages. The optional files COPYING, COPYRIGHT, and LICENSE.TXT include information about legal issues. You can include localized version of these three files. The example below has German versions in files with the .de extension.

The optional files README and README.DOS include information about how to install the add-on product. README is for UNIX and UNIX-like systems and README.DOS for Windows systems. You can include localized versions of the files. The example below has a German version in the files LIESMICH and LIESMICH.DOS.

The optional files y2update.tgz, servicepack.tar.gz, and installation.xml contain the configuration of the add-on installation workflow. It is normally only on the first medium.

The optional /suse/setup/selection file and files with the .sel extension define a SUSE Linux selection visible in YaST. The configuration file /suse/setup/patterns and files with a .pat extension are the equivalent for patterns. See Selections and Patterns for more information about patterns and selections.

The optional file SuSEgo.ico is the icon for your add-on product.

The following is an example of the add-on media structure with optional files:

    -gpg-pubkey-*.asc (* is the number of the key)
    -media.1/   --directory.yast
    -suse/ --i586/    ---MD5SUMS
                      ---*.rpm (* is the name of the package)

           --noarch/   ---MD5SUMS
                       ---*.rpm (* is the name of the package)

           --setup/    ---descr/   ----directory.yast
                                   ----packages.lan (lang=de,en,hu...)
                                   ----selection (only for sl)
                                   ----*.sel (only for sl)
                                   ----patterns (only for sle)
                                   ----*.pat (only for sle)

            --x86_64/   ---MD5SUMS
                        ---*.rpm (* is the name of the package)

Add-On Products and AutoYaST

For AutoYaST, it is not necessary to create separate entries for all add-on products. You can create only one for all add-ons and add the list of all the add-ons to the special file add_on_products in the root of the primary installation repository.

The add_on_products file is a simple text file in ASCII encoding. Installation sources are defined with their installation repository URL, one URL per line.

For example, to add SUSE Linux 10.1 add-on from, enter the installation repository for it. The repository URL is The entry in add_on_products should be:

The content File

This file is stored in the product directory as specified by the products file on the media. Without a products file, the product directory defaults to the root directory of the media. The content file contains all product-specific data to describe and identify the contents of the product.

Validity of the content File

Check your content file before you use it. Errors in keywords and keywords without values cause rejection of the add-on media by target systems.

If your content file is not valid, find the following error messages in /var/log/YaST2/y2log:

  Downloading metadata failed (is a susetags source?)
  or user did not accept remote source. Aborting refresh.  

  [zypp] Not SUSE tags source, trying next type

The content file is encoded in UTF-8 and consists of keyword and value pairs separated by spaces.

Example of the content file:

  PRODUCT SUSE Linux Add-on
  VERSION 10.1
  DISTPRODUCT SUSE-Linux-10.1-Add-on
  VENDOR SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
  ARCH.x86_64 x86_64 i686 i586 i486 i386 noarch
  ARCH.i686 i686 i586 i486 i386 noarch
  ARCH.i586 i586 i486 i386 noarch
  ARCH.i486 i486 i386 noarch
  ARCH.i386 i386 noarch
  REQUIRES distribution-release
  LINGUAS de en
  LABEL SUSE Linux Add-on 10.1 SUSE Linux Add-on 10.1
  DESCRDIR suse/setup/descr
  DATADIR suse
  FLAGS update
  META SHA1 04ef39995b65f02d81d6e1cc22fffda5c3a2a40e  EXTRA_PROV
  META SHA1 b8b7146ce7b1e957be54227aa74f79ac95ca4e85  MD5SUMS
  META SHA1 12ee25db081bf57beaef32b798262a18f9242216  packages
  META SHA1 05279413404e8de127b30082a1ce70049718b849  packages.DU
  META SHA1 4061102da14be0cb22ff7cf3ab5c77a27cd0f7df  packages.cs
  META SHA1 acf5157177504747bbfa3638596d0afbd29c2762
  META SHA1 e2e479c179f94cca95b4f2a22facd0bf8cd0bd3a  packages.en
  META SHA1 6090dd6ae0343f2470ceab5a1e8e92703d57db4e
  META SHA1 e2e479c179f94cca95b4f2a22facd0bf8cd0bd3a
  META SHA1 e7829946b48a8cc96b0ab5a187e05c58279b063c
  META SHA1 4061102da14be0cb22ff7cf3ab5c77a27cd0f7df
  KEY SHA1 a108c6aab19fe604fa98ef299cdce6e6ba275f09  gpg-pubkey-0dfb3188-41ed929b.asc
  KEY SHA1 af6ee559b573628d89a11239f113f9ece0839673  gpg-pubkey-1d061a62-427a396f.asc
  KEY SHA1 b6a95b4cb3f3d0426ed25c0df350006915a803d3  gpg-pubkey-307e3d54-44201d5d.asc
  KEY SHA1 0a4cffdc19c5544bc48d22474dd42586be5ac59e  gpg-pubkey-3d25d3d9-36e12d04.asc
  KEY SHA1 30726e9a2959dbe9cace5765edd038e0538878ad  gpg-pubkey-9c800aca-40d8063e.asc   

Table1.Supported content Keywords






Product name.



Product version and release as in RPM major.minor-release.



Distribution ID (vendor specific). The value of the keyword

      must not contain spaces. Only letters, numbers, and the characters: .~_-  
are allowed.



Distribution version (vendor specific).



Vendor name (free form).



Space-separated list of allowed architectures for base.



Minimal architecture base supported by this product.

      The default is the base architecture if no 
      matching ARCH.base is  



Resolvables that must be installed on the system to meet the

      needs of this product.
      This is a space-separated list of names or kind:name pairs optionally
      followed by version constraints. 
      Just a name denotes a dependency to a package, such as 
      or sles-release-10.    
      The kind can be package, pattern, 
      or product, such as  



Resolvables that must be installed on the system before installation of this product. The syntax is the same as for REQUIRES.



Capabilities this resolvable provides. They can be used to

      match REQUIRES from others.
      Every resolvable has a provide by default—its own name and
      edition. For example, package  
      bar-1.42-1 provides the capability bar =  



This resolvable cannot be installed if the specified resolvable or one that provides the capability is installed.



When this resolvable is installed, it uninstalls any

      other resolvable with a name matching this keyword.  



A weak version of REQUIRES. An attempt is made to fulfill

but they are silently dropped if no match is possible.



These are just hints for an application and not handled during dependency resolution.




      This resolvable is installed if the specified capability is provided by
      an installed resolvable. 
      The dependency resolver installs it. Uninstalling it is silently  



A reverse SUGGESTS. This resolvable can be installed if this capability is provided by an installed resolvable. It is just a hint for an application. For example, SuSEplugger can suggest packages for installation if specific hardware is found.



ISO language code or language code_country code.



UTF-8 encoded label. Default label if LINGUAS is omitted or no default language can be determined.



UTF-8-encoded LABEL.lang has the

      same syntax as the LINGUAS values.
      For each language in LINGUAS, a matching 
      LABEL.lang is expected.  



Package description directory (relative to product directory).



Package data directory (relative to product directory).



Default language code.



URL from which to fetch release notes.



Product-specific capabilities.



SHA1 of the keys used in the media.






URL of the update source.

Package Descriptions

The package description files contain the dependencies, size, MD5 checksums, and package descriptions of all packages in the installation source. The encoding of the files is UTF-8. Files should be placed in setup/descr/ of the data directory defined in the content file.

Special keywords are used in all description files. If a keyword starts with =, as in =Ver, the system reads only one line. To access multiple line, use a pair of keywords. The opening keyword starts with + and the closing keyword with -, as in +Ver and -Ver. In the keyword tables, the keywords are provided in their most common form. If the keyword normally has only a one line definition, it is shown with =. If the keyword is normally used in the pair version, see the start and end keywords.

To generate basic description files, in the data directory run the create_package_descr -C script, which is contained in the autoyast2-utils package. The -C option creates package descriptions with MD5 checksums of packages. Refer to create_package_descr --help for directions.

The script creates the following files in setup/descr:

A cache file for package data needed for package selection and dependency resolution. It contains pure package data and no user readable strings, such as translations.
lang is replaced with ISO code of the description language (or language_country-code). For each language defined in LINGUAS in content, a packages.<tt>lang</tt> file should exist in the package description directory. This file contains translated strings (package summary, description, etc.) to be viewed by users. These files can be omitted.
This file contains disk usage information for each package and for directories used by the packages. It it used to approximate file system requirements, especially when multiple partitions (such as /usr, /var, and /opt) are used. Exact usage information cannot be computed by YaST because it depends heavily on hard or symbolic links (either in the package or in the file system) and the file system in use (such as ext2 or reiserfs).

The packages File

The package description directory must contain the packages file. This is basically a cache file for package data needed for package selection and dependency resolution. It contains pure package data and no user-readable strings. The file created by create_package_descr is suitable for most add-on products, making it unnecessary to change it. (You can find create_package_descr in the package <a href="">inst-source-utils</a> - just install this package via YaST.)

The keywords for this file are shown in Table2.List of Supported packages Keywords. Where keywords correspond to dependencies, these are explained in terms of the keywords from. However, these dependencies only relate to packages.

Table2.List of Supported packages Keywords






Version of the file format. For SUSE Linux 10.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, use version 2.0.


name version release architecture

These four values identify a package unambiguously and are used as a key.



library or executable




library or executable




library or executable




library or executable




library or executable




library or executable




library or executable




library or executable

This package is only considered if the resolvable specified here is already installed.

+Sup -Sup

library or executable




library or executable



media_nr filename

The path to the package is optional and defaults to DATADIR/architecture/filename (see The content File for DATADIR).


package-size installed-size

Size in bytes.



Build time in time_t format (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970).


name version release architecture

Information about the source package. The architecture must

be src or nosrc. If the architecture in the Pkg line already is src or nosrc, the Src

value is discarded.



The RPM group from the package.



License information.


type checksum

The type can be SHA1 or MD5 followed by the checksum.




List of authors.


name version release architecture

Identity of a package from which to retrieve all values not explicitly set in this package entry. Useful, for example, for optimized versions of the same package (for example, if i686 and i486 versions exists) or for source versions of a package.




Keywords from your package database, if relevant.

The packages.lang File

For each language defined in LINGUAS in the content file, a packages.lang file should exist in the package description directory. This file contains translated strings (package summary, description, etc.) to be viewed by the user. These files can be omitted.

The file is encoded in UTF-8 and is line based. Lines starting with # are ignored. The packages.lang file starts with the =Ver tag followed by package entry keywords.

It contains the following information:

The package identifier (name version revision architecture)
The package summary (label), a one line description of the package
A description of the package, possibly multiline
Installation Notify
An informal message shown to the user if the package is selected, such as a test version warning or a commercial license
EULA Notify
A EULA of the package that the user must accept to install the package
Deletion Notify
An informal message shown to the user if the package is selected for deletion, such as a warning that the system is unusable without the packageExample of packages.en:
    =Ver: 2.0
    =Pkg: yast2-pkg-bindings 2.13.79 2 i586
    =Sum: YaST2 Package Manager Access
    This package contains a namespace for accessing the package manager
    library in YaST2.

    Arvin Schnell <>
    Klaus Kaempf <>
    Mathias Kettner <>
    Stefan Hundhammer <>
    Stanislav Visnovsky <>
    =Pkg: yast2-theme-NLD 0.4.5 3 noarch
    =Sum: YaST2 NLD Theme
    This package contains the YaST2 NLD theme.

    Ken Wimer <>
    Tuomas Kuosmanen <>
    Jakub Steiner <>

Table3.List of Supported packages.lang Entry Keywords






Version of the file format. For SUSE Linux 10.1, SUSE Linux

Enterprise Server 10,

and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, use version 2.0.


name version release architecture
      These four values identify a package unambiguously and are used as a  



One line summary.




Multiple line package description.




Text for user notification when the package is selected for installation.




Text for user notification when the package is selected for deletion.


name version release architecture

Identity of the package from which to retrieve all values not explicitly set in the current package entry. Useful, for example, for optimized versions of the same package (for example, if i686 and i486 versions exists) or for source packages.




Text of the EULA. This text is displayed before package

installation. If the user does not accept the EULA, package is not


The packages.DU File

This file contains disk usage information for each package and for directories used by the package. It is used to approximate file system requirements especially when multiple partitions (such as for /usr, /var, or /opt) are used. Exact usage information cannot be computed by YaST, because it depends heavily on hard or symbolic links (either in the package or in the file system) and the file system in use (such as ext2 or reiserfs). The file created by create_package_descr is suitable for most add-on products, making it unnecessary to change it.

The packages.DU file is optional, but no size estimations can be given if it is omitted. This also means that insufficient space warnings cannot be given until space runs out during product installation.

The cache file starts with a header defining the version. The file should be encoded in ASCII and is line based. Lines starting with # are ignored.

Example of the packages.DU:

    =Ver: 2.0
    =Pkg: MozillaFirefox-translations 1.7 i586
    / 0 18939 0 62
    usr/ 0 18939 0 62
    usr/lib/ 0 18939 0 62
    usr/lib/firefox/ 0 18939 0 62
    usr/lib/firefox/chrome/ 18939 0 62 0
    =Pkg: zlib 1.2.3 15.2 src
    / 0 428 0 6 
    usr/ 0 428 0 6 
    usr/src/ 0 428 0 6 
    usr/src/packages/ 428 0 6 0  
    =Pkg: zmd 39.40 src
    / 0 1049 0 13
    usr/ 0 1049 0 13
    usr/src/ 0 1049 0 13
    usr/src/packages/ 1049 0 13 0

Table4.List of Supported packages.DU Entry Keywords






Version of the file format. For SUSE Linux 10.1, SUSE Linux

Enterprise Server 10,

and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, use version 2.0.


name version release architecture
      These four values identify a package unambiguously and are used as a  



directory dir_size size_subdirs

files_in_dir files_in_subdir

      The directory should be /
      for the root directory or a relative path to the root directory for
      others.  For dir_size, enter the size of data
      stored only in the main directory in Kb.  For 
      size_subdirs, enter the size of data stored 
      in subdirectories in Kb.  files_in_dir is the
      number of files stored in the main directory.
      files_in_subdir is the number of files stored  
in subdirectories.

Pop-Up License Windows

For packages with a proprietary license, it is a good idea to display information about the license. If the user agrees with the license, YaST installs the package. If the users disagrees, YaST does not install the package.

The package license note is a part of package description but it is not created by the create_package_descr script. A license note must be added manually.

To add package license information, open the description file packages.lang, find the package description, and add the text of the license between the tags +Eul: and -Eul: at the end of the entry for that package, for example:

    =Pkg: test-package 6 i586
    =Sum: Test Package 
    This is test package.
    Test Package End User License Agreement 
To display a license for the entire add-on product before its installation, use See Special Files in the media.1 Directory.

Selections and Patterns

Both selections and patterns are designed to provide a group of packages for installation in the YaST pattern or selection filter with one click. They have similar syntax, but they are used for different products. Selection are used in SUSE Linux and patterns are used in the SUSE Linux Enterprise products.

Patterns versus Selections

If you create an add-on product for SUSE Linux 10.1, create selections. If you create add-on product for SUSE Linux Enterprise products, create patterns. SUSE Linux 10.1 might not work correctly with patterns and SLE products might not work correctly work with selections.


To have a functional selection visible in the YaST selection filter, prepare two files:

File with the list of all selection files in the add-on media, each selection on separate line.
File with a selection definition. The name should resemble Multimedia-10.1-3.i686.sel.These files must be in the setup/descr directory in the add-on data directory. For multiple selections, prepare more *.sel and include them in selections. The keywords for descriptions are shown in Table5.List of Supported Selection Entry Keywords. Dependency-related keywords are defined in terms of corresponding keywords from, but only relate to selections.
The packages in the list must be written without version numbers and without any suffixes.

Table5.List of Supported Selection Entry Keywords





Syntax version

Minimum parser version needed to parse this file. Set to 4.0 for SUSE Linux 10.1.


name version release architecture

All four values are mandatory. Supported architectures are i586, i586, ppc, x86_64, and noarch.



One line label in the default language.



One line language-specific label.




Multiple line description in the default language.




Multiple line description, language specific.



Use the type add-on for selections for

add-on products.


true or false If set to true, the selection is shown to the
      user.  Selections set to false are hidden from the  



This three-digit integer value defines the order of the selection when

listing multiple selections in the user interface.



























package list

List of packages to install.



package list

List of language-specific packages to install if lang is used in the system.



package list

List of packages to delete.



package list

List of packages to delete if .lang is used in the system.

Example of a selection file:

    # SuSE-Linux-Package-Selection 10.1-73.x86_64 -- (c) 2004 SuSE Linux AG
    # Needs parser version 4.0 or greater

    =Ver: 4.0

    =Sel:  Mobile 10.1 73 x86_64 

    =Sum: Mobile Computing Мобилен компютър 
    =Sum.cs: Mobilní komunikace
    =Sum.da: For bærbare computere Mobile Computernutzung
    =Sum.el: Φορητή Υπολογιστική Επεξεργασία
    =Sum.en: Mobile Computing 

    Support for mobile devices like Palms, mobile phones.
    Support for mobile devices like Palms, mobile phones.
    Podpora mobilních zařízení jako PDA a mobilních telefonů.
    Support for mobile devices like Palms, mobile phones.
    Unterstützung für mobile Geräte wie Palms und Mobiltelefone. 
    Support for mobile devices like Palms, mobile phones.
    Support for mobile devices like Palms, mobile phones.


    =Cat: addon 

    =Vis: true 

    =Ord: 50 



To have a functional pattern visible in the YaST pattern filter, prepare two files:

File with the list of all pattern files in the add-on media, each pattern on a separate line.
File with a pattern definition. The name should resemble Multimedia-10.1-3.i686.pat.These files must be in the setup/descr directory in the add-on data directory. For multiple patterns, prepare more *.pat files and include them in patterns. The keywords for descriptions are shown in Table6.List of Supported Pattern Entry Keywords. Dependency-related keywords are defined in terms of corresponding keywords from , but only relate to patterns.
The packages in the list must be written without version numbers and without all suffixes.

Table6.List of Supported Pattern Entry Keywords





Syntax version

Minimum parser version needed to parse this file. Should be set to 5.0 for SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 products.


name version release architecture

All four values are mandatory. Supported architectures are i586, i586, ppc, ppc64, x86_64, ia64, s390, s390x, and noarch.



One line label in the default language.



One line language-specific label.




Multiple line description in the default language.




Multiple line description, language specific.



One line category in the default language to group

patterns. Categories are intended for the user and can be specified




Language-specific version of the category.



Icon filename. If unspecified, the pattern name is used instead (with blanks in the name replaced by underscores). If the filename does not include a .png or .jpg extension, .png is appended. If no path is specified, icons are searched for in the theme icon path (first /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/32x32/apps/ then /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/icons/48x48/apps/). Absolute and relative paths (to the theme path /usr/share/YaST2/theme/current/) are allowed.


true or false

Set whether the pattern should be visible in the user interface.



This three-digit integer value defines the order of the pattern when

listing multiple patterns in the user interface.































package list

List of packages to install.



package list

Recommended packages. These packages are installed by default but can be removed without complaint.




The current pattern is only considered for installation is the pattern specified here is installed.

Example of a pattern file:

    # Pattern for install Company files
    =Ver: 1.0
    =Pat: Company 1.0 1 noarch 
    =Cat: Add-on
    =Sum: Test add-on

    One package pattern

    =Vis: true

    =Ord: 8020 


Preselecting the Pattern

If you want to preselect your pattern, add the pattern name to REQUIRES in the content file. For example, to add a pattern with the name example-pattern, add the following to the content file:

REQUIRES pattern:example-pattern  

For more information about content creation, see The content File.

Creating Dependencies between Patterns

To create dependencies between patterns, use the pattern definition file and the keywords +/-Req:, +/-Con:, +/-Obs:, +/-Fre:, and +/-Sup:.

The patterns in the list must be written without version numbers and without all suffixes.

The most common situation is a pattern that requires other patterns. To define patterns that must be installed for your new pattern, use the keyword +/-Req:. For example, if the pattern base must be installed for your pattern, use:


It sometimes happens that two patterns include the same or incompatible packages. In this situation, only one of these patterns should be installed. If both patterns are installed, the system can be unstable. To ensure this does not happen, use the keyword +/-Con:. For example, if the pattern minus should not be installed with with pattern plus, add the following to the definition file of the minus pattern:


Include the following in the definition file of the plus pattern:


If your new pattern replaces an older pattern that is already installed, the new pattern can uninstall the old one. To do this, use the keyword +/-Obs:. You can also provide all capabilities of the obsolete pattern in your new pattern with +/-Prv:.

To have your pattern only be considered for installation if something else is installed, use the keyword +/-Fre:. If you use the keyword +/-Sup:, your pattern is installed if this capability is provided by an installed pattern. The dependency resolver installs it. Uninstalling it is silently accepted.

You can have multiple patterns with same capability. To install only one, define a pattern group with the keyword +/-Prv: in all pattern definition files that provide the capability. If a pattern has the capability in +/-Req: and the system finds more than one matching pattern, it asks which one the user wants to install.

For examples of the various keywords in patterns, refer to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 patterns. For more information about content creation, see The content File.

Signatures and Other Security Issues

To provide more security and data evidence of integrity, SUSE Linux 10.1, SLES 10, and SLED 10 come with signature support. This support has two levels: the package level and the metadata level.

This means that if you want to provide an add-on media, you should sign your RPM packages first then also the add-on media metadata. If you do not sign packages or metadata, a warning about untrusted media appears during add-on installation. Part of the security is MD5 checking of the files on the add-on media and the SHA1 message digest of the package.lang files and keys used.

In this section, find information about the metadata level. If you need information about signing RPM packages, read

Signing the Add-On Product

The add-on media metadata is stored in content and media.1/products. To sign them, do the following:

  • If you do not have a key, create one. To do so, use:
    gpg -q --gen-key
  • Sign the files media.1/products and content and export the key used to the directories of the files. To do so, you can use:
    gpg --detach-sign -u YOUR_KEY -a content
    gpg --export -a -u YOUR_KEY > content.key 
    gpg --detach-sign -u YOUR_KEY -a media.1/products 
    gpg --export -a -u YOUR_KEY > media.1/products.key
  • Export your key. To do so, use:
    gpg --export -a YOUR_KEY > /add-on-media/gpg-pubkey-YOUR_KEY.asc

Replace YOUR_KEY with your key ID. To find it, use the command:

    gpg --list-secret-keys|grep "^sec"|sed -e 's/.*\///;s/ .*//g;'|tail -n 1

{{Note|Using Multiple Keys

You can sign RPM packages and add-on media with different keys. In such a situation, you should include all keys and add pubring.gpg to the media. This file is a public keyring and contains public keys used for verifying the signature of the add-on media.</tt>


If a directory includes files, you should create an MD5SUMS file in the directory and add MD5 checksums for all included files to it. To do so, use md5sum, for example:

    md5sum FILENAME >> MD5SUMS  

If you have installed the package <a href="">inst-source-utils</a>, the tool create_md5sums should be helpful.

Replace FILENAME with the names of your files from the add-on media.

You do not need to create md5 checksums for directories with subdirectories only and for the add-on media root directory. For information about md5sum, use man md5sum or md5sum -h.

SHA1 and the content File

The SHA1 message digest of the package.lang files and keys should be included in the content file with the keywords META and KEY. For normal digests, use META with SHA1. For keys use KEY with SHA1. To create the digest, use sha1sum.

Example of META and KEY in the content file:

    META SHA1 04ef39995b65f02d81d6e1cc22fffda5c3a2a40e  EXTRA_PROV
    META SHA1 b8b7146ce7b1e957be54227aa74f79ac95ca4e85  MD5SUMS
    META SHA1 12ee25db081bf57beaef32b798262a18f9242216  packages
    META SHA1 05279413404e8de127b30082a1ce70049718b849  packages.DU
    META SHA1 4061102da14be0cb22ff7cf3ab5c77a27cd0f7df  packages.cs
    META SHA1 acf5157177504747bbfa3638596d0afbd29c2762
    META SHA1 e2e479c179f94cca95b4f2a22facd0bf8cd0bd3a  packages.en
    META SHA1 6090dd6ae0343f2470ceab5a1e8e92703d57db4e
    META SHA1 e2e479c179f94cca95b4f2a22facd0bf8cd0bd3a
    META SHA1 e7829946b48a8cc96b0ab5a187e05c58279b063c
    META SHA1 4061102da14be0cb22ff7cf3ab5c77a27cd0f7df
    KEY SHA1 a108c6aab19fe604fa98ef299cdce6e6ba275f09  gpg-pubkey-0dfb3188-41ed929b.asc
    KEY SHA1 af6ee559b573628d89a11239f113f9ece0839673  gpg-pubkey-1d061a62-427a396f.asc
    KEY SHA1 b6a95b4cb3f3d0426ed25c0df350006915a803d3  gpg-pubkey-307e3d54-44201d5d.asc
    KEY SHA1 0a4cffdc19c5544bc48d22474dd42586be5ac59e  gpg-pubkey-3d25d3d9-36e12d04.asc
    KEY SHA1 30726e9a2959dbe9cace5765edd038e0538878ad  gpg-pubkey-9c800aca-40d8063e.asc    


To maximize the comfort of the installation of the add-on, you can use the autorun functionality. With this functionality, the system calls the YaST add-on module automatically after an add-on medium is inserted into the CD or DVD drive.

For autorun functionality, create the following two files in the add-on's root directory:

  • autorun.inf for Windows systems
  • or for SUSE Linux systems

For autorun.inf, prepare files with an icon first, such as add-on.ico. Then create the file autorun.inf with the content:

     icon = add-on.ico and have different functionality. Use if you want to run the add-on product as a normal user. If you need privileges, for example, for automatic installation with YaST or for starting the YaST2 add-on module, use With in the root directory of the add-on medium, the system first asks for the root password then uses gnomesu or kdesu to run your script.

Add the following lines to the or file:

     /sbin/yast2 add-on cd:///            

For an add-on DVD, replace cd:/// with dvd:///.



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