Application Server 3.5

Package com.sssw.rt.jform

Defines classes for the SilverStream form controls that are derived from Swing controls.


Class Summary
AgcJBigDecimalField A lightweight component that displays a BigDecimal value and accepts numeric input from the user.
AgcJButton A lightweight component that displays a push button with a text label, an icon, or both.
AgcJCheckBox A lightweight component that displays a check box with a text label.
AgcJComboBox A lightweight component that displays a list of values in a dropdown list.
AgcJDateField A lightweight component that displays a java.sql.Date value and accepts date input from the user.
AgcJDoubleField A lightweight component that displays a Double value and accepts numeric input from the user.
AgcJEditorPane A lightweight component that provides an editing area for text.
AgcJIntegerField A lightweight component that displays an integer and accepts integer input from the user.
AgcJIntegerSpinnerField A lightweight component that displays an integer in an input field.
AgcJLabel A lightweight component that displays label text, an image, or both.
AgcJList A lightweight component that displays a scrollable list of values and allows the user to select one or more objects from the list.
AgcJPasswordField A lightweight component that displays a single line of text and accepts text input from the user.
AgcJRadioButton A lightweight component that displays a radio button with a text label.
AgcJSlider A lightweight component that lets the user graphically select a value by sliding a knob within a bounded interval.
AgcJTabbedPane A lightweight container control that organizes the components of the user interface on several layered panes.
AgcJTable A lightweight component that displays rows and columns of data.
AgcJTextArea A lightweight component that displays multiple lines of text and accepts text input from the user.
AgcJTextField A lightweight component that displays a single line of text and accepts text input from the user.
AgcJTimeField A lightweight component that displays a java.sql.Time value and accepts time input from the user.
AgcJTimestampField A lightweight component that displays a java.sql.Timestamp value and accepts timestamp input from the user.
AgcJToggleButton A lightweight button component that displays an image and has two states: normal and selected.
AgcJTree The AgcJTree control is a lightweight component that displays a multilevel hierarchy of data, organized into expandable and collapsible nodes.
AgcJValueField Base class of several input fields that have non-text data types.
AgoDisplayValue AgoDisplayValue is a wrapper class for values in AgcJList, AgcJComboBox, and AgcJTree.

Package com.sssw.rt.jform Description

Defines classes for the SilverStream form controls that are derived from Swing controls. Classes include labels with text and images, input fields of various data types, text areas, list boxes, combo boxes, spinners, check boxes, radio buttons, push buttons, toggle buttons, text buttons, choice boxes, combo boxes, spinners, tabbed panes, tables, tree controls, and sliders.

These controls are extended from Swing controls. Most add data binding. Some add additional display settings. You can use inherited methods to manage the data models associated with the controls.

In the Form Designer, use the Common and Other toolbars to add these controls to your form. Also on the toolbar are some standard Swing controls that aren't extended in this package, such as JProgressBar.

You can mix Swing and AWT controls, with some restrictions. For information, see the section on combining Swing and AWT controls in the Programming Forms chapter of the Programmer's Guide.

Application Server 3.5