Documents stored in GroupWise libraries are not stored as individual files. Instead, documents are stored in database structures called binary large objects (blobs). A document and all of its versions are stored in the separate blob files. Blobs are compressed (50% or more) to conserve storage space. Blobs are encrypted to provide security.
The GroupWise client includes options (preferences) that can be set by individual users. As a GroupWise administrator, you can determine the default settings for the options. You can set the default settings at the domain, post office, or user level. User settings override post office settings, and post office settings override domain settings.
If you do not want users to change the default settings that you have established, you can lock the settings. You can set the locks at the domain, post office, or user level. A lock at a higher level overrides a different setting at a lower level.
The following Client Options are available:
You cannot start and stop the DVA in the Admin console as you can the POA, the MTA, and the GWIA. Instead, you must manually start and stop it at the operating system level.
On Linux, use the following commands to manage the DVA:
rcgrpwise start gwdva rcgrpwise stop gwdva rcgrpwise restart gwdva rcgrpwise status gwdva
On Windows, manage the DVA as you would any other Windows service by using Start > Administrative Tools > Services.
An external domain represents a domain in another GroupWise system. Setting up an external domain in your local GroupWise system simplifies addressing for your GroupWise users. The external domain enables external GroupWise users to appear in the local GroupWise Address Book.
See also primary domain, secondary domain, and non-GroupWise domain.
In general terms, a filter selects data. In any list of objects, you can use a filter in the Search field to select and list GroupWise object data based on object attributes and operators.
To list the attributes that you can filter on for any object type, press Ctrl-Spacebar in the Search field of the object list. Common attributes that you might want to filter on include the following:
Object |
Common Attributes |
Domain |
Post Office |
User |
For an exhaustive list of attributes and their possible values, display the following URL on the Admin Service server:
Replace admin_service_address with the IP address or DNS hostname of a server where the Admin Service is installed.
Replace object_type with any of the following object types, depending on what you want to list:
Spaces around the operators are optional.
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
= |
Equal |
lastname = smith |
!= |
Not equal |
visibility != system |
> |
Greater than |
mailboxsizemb > 500 |
< |
Less than |
mtpport < 2000 |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
soapthreads >= 10 |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
physicalconnections <= 1000 |
Spaces around the operators are optional.
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
&, and |
Conjunction |
|, or |
Disjunction |
!, not |
Inversion |
( ) |
Parentheses |
The match operator must be used with wildcard characters. The string to match must be surrounded by single quote marks.
Characters |
Meaning |
Example |
* |
Zero or more characters |
lastname match ‘sm*’ |
? |
One character |
lastname match ‘sm?th’ |
Spaces around the operators are optional.
Value |
Explanation |
Example |
null |
Empty |
true, 1 |
Enabled or set |
false, 0 |
Disabled or not set |
You can filter on one specific date or on a range of dates that are relative to today.
Format |
Explanation |
Example |
yyyy-mm-ddTmm:ss |
Literal date |
18-01-01T00:00 |
timelastmod > now(time_unit) |
GroupWise gateways are legacy products that are not supported with the current GroupWise version.
See also Internet gateway.
GroupWise provides three levels of administrator rights for users:
System: A GroupWise system administrator has full administrator rights to all aspects of the GroupWise Admin console, under the supervision of the GroupWise Super Admin.
Domain: A domain administrator has administrator rights just for a single domain, and for all post offices and users within that domain.
Post Office: A post office administrator has administrator rights just for a single post office, and for all users within that post office.
An administrator can be any GroupWise user, not necessarily a user whose mailbox resides in the domain or post office where administrative rights are granted. An administrator uses the same password to access the GroupWise Admin console that is used to access his or her mailbox.
In the Administration console, you can select a default color scheme for the GroupWise client. The Administration console lists color schemes based on GroupWise versions. Not all color schemes are available in all versions of the GroupWise client.
If you select a color scheme that is available only in the GroupWise 2012 client, GroupWise 18 and later version clients default to Light Gray.
Color Scheme |
GroupWise 18 and later versions |
GroupWise 2012 |
Blue |
No |
Yes |
Olive Green |
No |
Yes |
Silver |
No |
Yes |
Sky Blue |
Yes |
Yes |
Spring Green |
Yes |
Yes |
Sterling Silver |
No |
Yes |
Gray |
No |
Yes |
Light Gray |
Yes |
Yes |
Rose |
Yes |
No |
Lilac |
Yes |
No |
Earth |
Yes |
No |
An Internet gateway is a GroupWise server where the GWIA is installed to route messages out to the Internet and to receive messages from the Internet.
See also Gateway.
Do not use any of the following invalid characters in GroupWise object names:
ASCII characters 0-31
Extended ASCII characters that are graphical or typographical symbols
Accented characters in the extended range can be used in GroupWise object names.
Asterisk *
At sign @
Backslash \
Braces { }
Colon :
Comma ,
Double quote "
Parentheses ( )
Period .
In addition to the characters listed above, do not use any of the following invalid characters in Agent objects names:
Exclamation mark !
Semicolon ;
Single quote '
Characters that are valid and even desirable in the name of a user, group, or resource might not be valid in an email address. Such invalid characters include spaces and certain accented and special characters. (Providing a definitive list of such invalid characters is beyond the scope of the GroupWise product documentation.)
In the names of users, groups, and resources, use underscores (_) rather than spaces as separators between words in order to facilitate addressing across the Internet.
When an object name includes any character that is not valid in an email address, that object cannot receive messages. For such an object, you must set up a preferred email ID in order to ensure that it has a valid email address.
Do not use double-byte characters in folder names and file names.
Proper link configuration can produce optimum message flow throughout your GroupWise system. An alternative or supplement to configuring individual links is to establish one or more routing domains (System > System Preferences > Routing Options and Message Transfer Agents > mta_object > General tab > Routing Options).
An outbound link routes messages from the source domain to the destination domain. An inbound link routes messages back from the destination domain to the source domain.
Post office links are configured on the Domain object (Domains > domain_object > Objects tab > Post Office Links).
The following link type icons display beside domains in the Destination column in the Link Configuration tool.
Link Icon |
Link Type/Status |
Description |
Direct |
Routes messages directly from the source domain to the destination domain. |
Indirect |
Routes messages to the destination domain through one or more intermediate domains. In other words, an indirect link consists of two or more direct links. |
Gateway |
Routes messages to the destination domain through a gateway to another GroupWise system. |
Undefined |
Stops message flow from the source domain to the destination domain. |
Pending Modification |
Shows that you have changed link configuration information. You cannot make further changes until the link configuration information has been saved. |
The Mailbox/Library Maintenance utility checks the integrity of and repairs user/resource, message, and library databases. It also frees disk space in post offices by reducing the size of databases.
The following Mailbox/Library Maintenance Actions are available:
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Analyze/Fix Databases
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Expire/Reduce Messages
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Mailbox Statistics
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Archive/Delete Documents
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Delete Activity Logs
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Post Office > Analyze/Fix Library
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > User/Resource > Analyze/Fix Databases
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > User/Resource > Expire/Reduce Messages
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > User/Resource > Mailbox Statistics
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > User/Resource > Re-Create User Database
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > User/Resource > Reset Client Options
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Library > Analyze/Fix Databases
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Library > Archive/Delete Documents
Mailbox/Library Maintenance > Library > Delete Activity Logs
A non-GroupWise domain represents all or part of another email system or the Internet. Setting up a non-GroupWise domain in your GroupWise system simplifies addressing for your GroupWise users. The non-GroupWise domain enables non-GroupWise users to appear in the GroupWise Address Book.
See also primary domain, secondary domain, and external domain.
A domain organizes post offices into a logical grouping for administration and routing purposes in your GroupWise system. Messages are transferred between post offices and domains by the Message Transfer Agent (MTA). Messages are transferred to and from your GroupWise system by the Internet Agent (GWIA).
The primary domain functions as the main administration unit for the GroupWise system. Domains that you create after the first domain are secondary domains.
See also secondary domain, external domain, and non-GroupWise domain.
A relay host, also referred to as an open mail relay, is an SMTP server that allows anyone on the Internet to send email through it, not just users associated with a specific email system. The relay host accepts the email from any sources and forwards it to the addressed destinations.
See also smart host.
A domain organizes post offices into a logical grouping for administration and routing purposes in your GroupWise system. Messages are transferred between post offices and domains by the Message Transfer Agent (MTA). Messages are transferred to and from your GroupWise system by the Internet Agent (GWIA).
All domains in your local GroupWise system except the initial primary domain are secondary domains.
See also primary domain, external domain, and non-GroupWise domain.
A smart host is a relay host that requires authentication by email users before their email messages can pass through the relay host.
See also relay host.
The GroupWise agents rely on the existence of the following LDAP attributes when they communicate with an LDAP server:
GroupWise Field |
LDAP Attribute |
User Name |
uid |
Description |
description |
Given Name |
givenName |
Middle Name |
initials |
Surname |
sn |
Name Prefix |
personalTitle |
Name Suffix |
generationQualifier |
Title |
title |
Company |
company |
Department |
department |
Location |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
Email Address |
Extra Email |
(not supported) |
Street Address |
streetAddress |
City |
l |
PO Box |
postOfficeBox |
Postal Code |
postalCode |
State |
st |
Phone |
telephoneNumber |
Mobile Phone |
mobile |
Home Phone |
homePhone |
Other Phone |
otherTelephone |
Fax |
facsimileTelephoneNumber |
Pager |
pager |
Login Disabled |
(not supported) |
Visibility is an attribute of GroupWise users, groups, and resources that determines whether or not those objects appear in the GroupWise Address Book. You can select from four visibility levels.
System: All users throughout the system can see the object in the Address Book.
Domain: Users in the object's domain can see the object in the Address Book, but users in other domains cannot.
Post Office: Users in the object's post office can see the object in the Address Book, but users in other post offices cannot.
None: No users can see the object. Only users who know about it and can reference it explicitly can use an object that has no visibility, because it cannot be selected from the Address Book.
For trademark and copyright information, see Legal Notices.