This section explains the procedure of enrolling Android devices as a fully managed device. ZENworks has stopped support for the basic mode of enrollment that uses the Device Admin API, for Android devices. This comes after Google’s announcement to deprecate the Device Admin API from the Android P release. ZENworks will now support only two ways of enrollment for Android devices; the work profile mode and the work-managed device mode, which are part of the Android enterprise program. For more information on the deprecation of the Device Admin API, see
IMPORTANT:If a user has already enrolled the device in the basic mode as a part of an earlier ZENworks release, then on upgrading the ZENworks zone to the 2020 version, you need to create an Android Enterprise Subscription and assign the Android Enterprise Enrollment policy to the same user. This will ensure that the user’s device is active in the zone and the device will automatically reconcile to the work profile mode or the work-managed device mode from the basic mode of enrollment. If these prerequisites are not met, then the device is automatically unenrolled and retired.
If the retired device needs to be re-enrolled to the ZENworks 2020 zone, then unretire the device. Ensure that you have an active Android Enterprise Subscription and assign the Android Enterprise Enrollment Policy to the associated user of the unretired device. You can now have the user re-enroll the device in either of the two modes.