Application Server 3.5

Package com.sssw.rt.util

Contains miscellaneous utility classes (see expanded description).


Interface Summary
AgiBandDescriptor This interface describes the columns provided by a particular named band for an AgiRowCursor object or an AgiDataSource object.
AgiDataRow Abstraction of a data row for insert/update/delete purposes.
AgiDataRowFactory Abstraction of a data row factory.
AgiDataSource A low-level API for accessing and updating row-based data sources within data source triggered business objects.
AgiDataUpdateRequest Abstraction of an in-progress update request on one or more data sources.
AgiDataUpdateRequestFactory This interface is a piece of the low-level row-based access to data sources provided by the AgiDataSource interface family.
AgiInvokeBusinessObject Tagged interface for objects that can invoke business objects.
AgiParentedException An interface implemented by SilverStream exceptions that contain, or "wrap," other exceptions.
AgiRowCursor This interface is the public API for data navigation.
AgiRowCursorSort An AgiRowCursor can implement this interface to allow sorting of its data.
AgiRowCursorViewSupport This interface includes a set of methods that are required for proper behavior when an AgiRowCursor that provides a hierarchical set of data is used in a hierarchical AgcView.
AgiRowEnumerator The AgiRowEnumerator interface provides access to a collection of AgiRowCursors.
AgiRowQuery An AgiRowCursor can implement this interface to allow the AgoBindingManager.doFind() method of the binding manager to cause a query-by-example.
AgiRowSetDescriptor This interface provides a mechanism for a design-time object to describe the set of bands and columns provided by a runtime object that implements AgiRowCursor.
AgiRowSetEventProducer This interface is the public API for objects that emit Row Set events.
AgiRowSetManager This interface is the public API for manipulation of a set of rows.
AgiTabstopHandler This interface integrates keyboard navigation (TAB-key processing) across AWT and Swing components.
AgiTransactionHandle This is an interface for a "transaction handle" representing an in-progress database transaction.
AgiUserLogin Interface that provides User Login dialog.

Class Summary
AgConvert This class provides static conversion routines between various java types.
AgFormat The AgFormat class is a helper class for formatting an object as a String.
AgMisc The AgMisc class provides miscellaneous static helper methods that can be called from forms, pages, or business objects.
AgoData Internal SilverStream class.
AgoDataUpdateRequest This is an abstract base class implementing the AgiDataUpdateRequest interface.
AgoDataUpdateRow This is an abstract base class for holding rows to be updated against a "database" or other data source.
AgoEmptyEnumeration This utility class implements the java.util.Enumeration interface for an empty set.
AgoIteratorEnumeration This is a utility class that implements an Enumeration based on a java.util.Iterator.
AgoObjectInputStream This subclass of ObjectInputStream delegates loading of classes to an existing ClassLoader.
AgoObjectInputStreamWithLoader Deprecated.
AgoRowCursorTableModel AgoRowCursorTableModel builds a table data model from data in an AgiRowCursor object for use in a AgcJTable control.
AgoStringArrayEnumeration This is a utility class that implements an Enumeration based on an array of Strings.
AgoTreeDataManager This helper class allows a programmer to construct data in the form of a table, or a tree of tables.
AgoUserLoginInfo User Login information returned by prompt() method.
AgoVectorRowCursor This helper class implements AgiRowCursor given an array of column names and a vector of data.
AgParse The AgParse class provides static methods to perform parsing of the strings representing long, double, date, time and timestamp objects.
AgrData A remote version of an AgoData, for use outside of SilverStream forms.
AgrServerSession Represents an established server session from a non-SilverStream application This class provides methods to login and out, invoke a business object, and to get session info.
AgRuntime This class contains static initialization methods that may be used by non-SilverStream applications (either standalone applications or applets) to communicate with the SilverStream server.
CommandCodes Command codes for AgoDataUpdateRequest and related classes.
DatatypeCodes DatatypeCodes class: values used in AgoColumnText.setFormatPattern(), AgoColumnText.setFormatStyle().

Exception Summary
AgoApiException The base class of declared exceptions thrown by methods in the public API.
AgoApplicationException The class of declared exceptions that are thrown when an error occurs in the application.
AgoDatabaseConnectException The subclass of AgoTransientSystemException indicating that a database connection could not be obtained to one of the database servers.
AgoDataConcurrencyException The subclass of AgoDataException that indicates that a concurrency conflict occurred between two users, for example an attempt to update a row that has been deleted by another user.
AgoDataException The base class of declared exceptions thrown by methods in the public API for bad data.
AgoEndOfRowsException Exception thrown by an AgiDataSource when the last row of a query has been read.
AgoException The AgoException class is the base class of all SilverStream declared exceptions.
AgoHTTPStatusException An exception corresponding to an unsuccessful HTTP status.
AgoInvalidDataException The subclass of AgoDataException that indicates that the row validation expression on a table being updated failed to validate the supplied data.
AgoMissingDataException The subclass of AgoDataException that indicates that a value for a required field was not supplied.
AgoNotSupportedException AgoNotSupportedException
AgoResultTimeoutException The subclass of AgoTransientSystemException that a client took too long retrieving the rows of a result, a timeout expired, and the result was truncated.
AgoSecurityException The base class of declared exceptions thrown by methods in the public API when a security violation occurs.
AgoServletHandlingException The subclass of AgoUnrecoverableSystemException that indicates a problem exists with the servlet at design time and needs to be fixed before being deployed.
AgoSystemDatabaseException The subclass of AgoUnrecoverableSystemException that indicates that the system exception occurred during a database operation, and conveys additional database status information.
AgoSystemException The base class of declared exceptions that are thrown when a system error occurs, such as an exception on the server.
AgoTooManyRowsException The subclass of AgoTransientSystemException that a database query returned more than the maximum allowed number of rows, and therefore the result was truncated.
AgoTransientSystemException The subclass of AgoSystemException that indicates that the exceptional condition is transient, and retrying the operation may result in success.
AgoUnrecoverableSystemException The subclass of AgoSystemException that indicates that the exceptional condition is not transient, and retrying the operation will not help.
AgoUnsupportedOperationException AgoUnsupportedOperationException
AgoValidationException Exception thrown by an AgiPropertyValidationListener.
AgoVersionUnsupportedException AgoVersionUnsupportedException
IOEndOfRowsException IOEndOfRowsException
IOServerException IOServerException
MalformedMetaDataException MalformedMetaDataException

Package com.sssw.rt.util Description

Contains miscellaneous utility classes (see expanded description). These include:

Application Server 3.5