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Hybrid Workspaces 23.x

Hybrid Workspaces lets you convert applications that run on Microsoft* Windows* into self-contained virtual applications. After being virtualized, an application becomes a single, isolated file that runs instantly from anywhere, including a thumb drive or other removable media. Unlike traditional installation methods, the single virtual application file does not require a separate setup process, and does not rely on external components and runtimes, reboots, or administrative privileges. The application is now isolated from other system applications, preventing DLL conflicts and other deployment nightmares, yet the experience for the application's user is unchanged.

If you use Micro Focus ZENworks Configuration Management in your environment, you can configure your virtual application so that it checks to ensure that the ZENworks Adaptive Agent is installed on the device and that the device is registered to your ZENworks Management Zone before the application can be launched. You can also publish ZENworks bundles that you can distribute using ZENworks Configuration Management.

For information about virtualizing other applications, see the Hybrid Workspaces Administration Guide or click Help from within ‘Studio” or “Application Streaming’ programs to view the documentation.

Important note on the name change: Effective October 2022, the application's name is changed from Micro Focus Desktop Containers to Hybrid Workspaces.

Getting Started view last update
Hybrid Workspaces 23.11
- What's new    03/18/2023
- Readme    03/18/2023
Hybrid Workspaces 23.6
- What's new    11/08/2023
- Readme    11/08/2023
Hybrid Workspaces 23.1
- What's new    03/24/2023
- Readme    03/24/2023
Guides view last update
Hybrid Workspaces 23.11 Documentation 03/18/2023
Hybrid Workspaces 23.6 Documentation 11/08/2023
Hybrid Workspaces 23.1 Documentation 03/24/2023
Additional Resources view last update
Videos view last update
Hybrid Workspaces Application Server
  - Installation and Configuration Process
  - Troubleshooting
  - Studio Troubleshooting
  - Studio Troubleshooting Examples
  - LTI - Installation, Configuration, and Troubleshooting
Previous Releases view last update
Hybrid Workspaces 22.x
Micro Focus Desktop Containers Readme 22.6 and earlier

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