Tools Guide
Chapter 1 Main Designer
- Main Designer keyboard shortcuts
- Logging in
- Setting preferences
- Adding a database to use with SilverStream
- Removing a database
- Creating a new database
- Connecting to a different server
- Shutting down or restarting the server
- Creating, saving, renaming, and deleting objects
- Setting default pages
- Using the Server and Java consoles
- Backing up your data
- Replicating databases
- Publishing
- Using the Media Store
- Using the Property Inspector
- Using the Build command
- Using source control
Chapter 2 Page Designer
- About the Page Designer
- Concepts you should know
- HTML support
- Using the Page Designer
- Creating pages
- Using the Component Gallery and the Component Palette
- Including controls on your page
- Creating validation rules for page fields
- Working directly with HTML
- Using advanced options for dynamic page behavior
- Working with style sheets and JavaScript
Chapter 3 Form Designer
- Concepts you should know
- Form Designer keyboard shortcuts
- Creating forms
- Using the Component Gallery and the Component Palette
- Including controls on your form
- Including subforms and views in your form
- Including images in your form
- Using JavaBeans in your form
- Using objects from a different database
- Creating validation rules for form fields
- Creating a full-text search form
- Using the HTML Edit Control
Chapter 4 View Designer
- About the View Designer
- Creating views
- Modifying views
Chapter 5 Table Designer
- Concepts you should know
- Table Designer keyboard shortcuts
- Editing an existing table
- Creating tables
- Specifying the primary key
- Creating and modifying columns
- Creating validation rules for tables
- Creating version tables
- Setting table security
- Making a table full-text searchable
- Using Blobs and Clobs
Chapter 6 Relationship Designer
- Concepts you need to know
- Relationship Designer keyboard shortcuts
- Accessing the Relationship Designer
- Viewing relationships
- Creating relationships
Chapter 7 Business Object Designer
- Creating packages
- Creating interfaces
- Creating CORBA IDLs
- Creating utility classes
- Creating data source objects
- Creating servlets
- Creating table-triggered business objects
- Adding objects to a package
- Adding subpackages to a package
Chapter 8 JAR Designer
- About the JAR Designer
- Creating JAR files
- Editing JAR files
- Rebuilding JAR files
- Publishing JAR files
- Exporting JAR files
- Importing JAR files
- Creating Manifest files
- Defining the Deployment Descriptor
- Deploying EJB JARs
- Modifying EJB JARs
Chapter 9 Deployment Plan Designer
- About the Deployment Plan Designer
- Specifying deployment information for the EJB JAR
- Specifying deployment information for each EJB
Chapter 10 Expression Builder
- Using the Expression Builder
- Building queries
- Building validation rules
- Building security expressions
- Building Link expressions
- Building aggregate expressions
Chapter 11 Programming Editor
- Concepts you should know
- What you can do with the Programming Editor
- Anatomy of the Java class file
- Accessing the Programming Editor
- Using an external editor
- Specifying single-method view or whole-file view
- Programming in Java mode
- Programming with Simple Actions
- Checking Java syntax
- Saving objects
- Testing your code
- Printing your code listing
- Debugging your code
- Customizing the Programming Editor
- Programming Editor keyboard shortcuts.
Chapter 12 SilverStream Debugger
- Concepts you need to know
- What you can do with the Debugger
- Local and Remote Debugging
- Using the Debugger
- Launching the Debugger from the Programming Editor
- Launching the Debugger as a standalone tool
- Managing program execution
- Analyzing the behavior of the application
- Modifying your Java source code
- Debugger keyboard shortcuts
Chapter 13 SilverStream Profiler
- Concepts you need to know
- What you can do with the Profiler
- Using the Profiler
- Launching the Profiler
- Timing methods
- Walking the heap
- Analyzing monitor objects
- Profiler keyboard shortcuts
Chapter 14 SilverStream Source Control
- About source control
- Using Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
- Setting up SilverStream Source Control
- Adding items to Source Control
- Working with objects under Source Control
- Checking items out
- Checking items back in
- Performing a Get
- Viewing item history
- Disconnecting from Source Control
Chapter 15 SilverCmd Reference
- About SilverCmd
- AddDatabase
- Build
- BuildJspJar
- ClearDefaultURL
- ComGen
- ConvertEJB
- CreatePackage
- Delete
- DeployEJB
- DeployJSP
- ExportSource
- ImportClass
- ImportMedia
- ImportPage
- ImportSource
- JSPCompiler
- ModifyTableList
- Prefs
- Publish
- PublishFromFile
- PublishToFile
- RebuildJAR
- RemoveDatabase
- ServerState
- SetDefaultURL
- SetSecurity
- SetUserGroupInfo
- SourceControl
- ValidateEJB
Chapter 16 Full Text Search
- What is full text search?
- Installing SearchServer
- Setting up your environment
- SearchServer and SilverStream
- Search types
- Creating search queries
Chapter 17 The Lotus Notes Data Connector
- How SilverStream integrates with Lotus Notes
- Running the Lotus Notes DSO Wizard
- About Wizard-generated objects
- Binding to a Lotus Notes DSO
- Working with document queries
- Working with selection formulas
- Deploying a Lotus Notes DSO
Chapter 18 The PeopleSoft Data Connector
- SilverStream and PeopleSoft integration
- Creating a PeopleSoft DSO
- Invoking the PeopleSoft DSO
- Deploying a PeopleSoft DSO
Chapter 19 The SAP Data Connector
- How SilverStream integrates with SAP
- Running the SAP DSO wizard
- Building an example
- What the wizard-generated objects do
- Using forms and pages to access the DSO
- Deploying an SAP DSO
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